Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer Redwork

I haven't been organized enough to get a big summer handwork project together and I fear it might never happen with all of the fun swaps I've committed to: I've got two pin cushions, a mini quilt and a doll quilt all on the burners and we depart for the cottage in two weeks. Can you say panic? Oh, and one other tiny machine is still awaiting parts at the Pfaff doctor. Apparently once the take-up levers are replaced all of my thread issues will be resolved. Fingers crossed for that. So, I've got to get my late-MIL's trusty old Pfaff 1212 dusted off, set up and threaded for business. It's a workhorse of a machine that I'm lucky to have - it has never let me down.

When we were away a little while ago, I managed to squeeze in some embroidery and worked this 8" block with back-stitch and No.8 perle cotton.

kitchen dishes redwork

The traditional pieced blocks are called "broken dishes" and are from an abandoned Doll Quilt Swap 8 idea I had.

DQS8 plan 1

I posted my sketch on the Doll Quilt Swap Flickr stream and after reviewing the comments, I bailed on the design (a bunch of swappers said that their husbands would die laughing if they received it as they don't cook at all). I reviewed my partner's favourites and decided that it was better to come up with a whole new plan using the same fabrics, which worked out very well! My partner loved "Wake Up Call".

I realized that the kitchen design was something that I really wanted for myself as a table-topper. Maybe because it coordinates beautifully with this, or maybe because I love to bake and the whisk, wooden spoon and spatula are my favourite (manual) tools. When it comes to power tools in the kitchen, nothing beats my KitchenAid mixer, though. What is it that you can't live without in the kitchen?


1 pinksuedeshoe said...

Um, I LOVE this. The colors, the broken dishes (they look like pinwheels!) and the kitchen tools are just fantastic! I LOVE it! And I'm glad you saved it for yourself. Though that rooster is pretty dang cute. You know, for a rooster :o)

2 Krista said...

This is so great! My kitchen aid mixer is also one of my favorite kitchen tools, but I would not survive without my coffee maker. My huge pancake griddle comes in at a close second.

3 Needled Mom said...

What a great little quilt that will be!!! Those comments you received must have been hilarious.

I love my Kitchenaid and can't imagine life without it, but I think what has saved me the most money in my kitchen is my Food Saver.

4 Dianne said...

You have such amazing colour and fabric sense Krista! That is going to be a fab table topper and will look very smart in your kitchen. My fave tool in my kitchen is my double oven stove. Baking a dessert and a main course at the same time...Heaven!!

5 Tracey Jacobsen said...

I love this!

Does it count if say I can't live without my dishwasher? And a good set of knives. Must have those.

6 Amy Friend said...

I love this! I am glad that you will be able to keep it for yourself this way! My favorite kitchen item is my Kitchen Aid mixer too...followed my my toaster oven and cuisinart...then the teapot.

7 Unknown said...

first off my favourite kitchen item is... yup... my husband cause he does all the cooking!

i really like the look of the broken dishes! very pretty with the white in there!

8 Peggy said...

Love the idea of using 'Broken Dishes' in a kitchen quilt - perfect, and wonderful fabrics.!

9 ayumills said...

Oh my goodness this doll quilt is going to be just so cute!!! I love your embroidery designs, especially the milk jar!!! And your patchwork is very inspiring too. Perfect colors!

10 Bia, from Brazil said...

Came here from Micki´s in order to compliment you on your attitude to follow your heart and criative instinct. I truly love brave women who have he guts to say YES to life! I´ve worked for BP Minerals! I know what you are talking about! Me too left a false executive´s profile back and became a mother and crafter. I´m a writer now and the feminime nature is my favourite subject matter. Congratulations and tks God you hade the chance to do so.

11 Kristen said...

I really love the colors and design! Wish I had been able to swap and got this! I like the pea and carrots fabric. My red kitchen aid is the best. It is most used item in the kitchen. Totally worth it.

12 Tiffany said...

The colors are so bright and cheery, what's not to like? And the awesome. Terrific table decor. Do all of your creations get a sketch in the planning stage? I'm a Kitchen Aid Mixer gal too, and then comes my baking stone. Love the baking stone, especially for cookies!

13 Katie :o) said...

Love the little table runner! Bright and perky!

My favorite kitchen item... the puppy! She is always right where I am about to step :o) She tries to lie by my feet & keeps moving and lying down again as I work.

14 Ariane said...

Oh this is going to look so great!!! I love the embroidery and the broken dish blocks. Can't wait to see it all done!!!