Friday, June 22, 2012

This Little Pouch Went to Portland

Last night the VMQG celebrated our two year anniversary!  There were yummy treats, fruity punch, lots of laughs and some seriously fabulous pouches.  (Almost) Everyone who is participating in the pouch swap with the PMQG brought their pouches to the meeting to show and also to pack them up and send them down in one shipment to our secret partners care of the PMQG.

Here's the little flex frame pouch I made for my partner who gave me a great idea as to what she needed a pouch for, as well as specifying she likes bright, cheerful colours. Just so happens I won a mini charm pack of all the new Kona solid colours from Pink Chalk Fabrics recently - perfect!

Snap frame pouch by Poppyprint
side 1

I paired up the bright colours, drew a line diagonally and sewed 1/4" to each side, creating two triangle squares (seams pressed to one side).  Then, I paired two of those right sides together (butting the seams) and drew a diagonal line perpendicular to the seams.  Sewing 1/4" each side of that gives you two tiny little hourglass blocks. Cute!

Snap frame pouch by Poppyprint
side 2

I framed everything up with some black linen, inserted a flex frame and there you have it. If you would like to read a full tutorial on making a flex frame pouch, check out Leila's here or Ayumi's here. Both are excellent.  

Wanna see the inside?

Snap frame pouch by Poppyprint

Seems my partner and I have something in common.....I wonder if hers barks as much as mine?


1 Leanne said...

That is so cute, love that lining especially.

2 Katy Cameron said...

Love that wee pouch :o) That's no way to talk about your husbands though... ;o)

3 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Do I see tiny dogs inside? Does she have a dog? A dog that needs quilted accessories?
So pretty with all those bright little triangles!

4 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Very sweet x

5 Elsa said...

Oh, it's so sweet! I think I saw the pouch you're getting (I'm a member of PMQG) on Thursday night! Love that we're exchanging ~

6 Cynthia F said...

What a cute pouch- your partner will love it! Love the little hourglass blocks- so cool!

7 Katie B said...

Really cute! I didn't realize how little it was until the last picture. Those hourglasses must be itty bitty!

8 Carol Browne said...

It's adorable! I love the bold colours and you sewed teeny pieces together for that. Cute!

I really had fun at your quilt guild meeting on Thursday. You guys do it up right.

9 Unknown said...

that pouch is a real cutie!

10 Amy Friend said...

So cute! Where do you buy your flex frames? I want to try one of these sometime. They look so easy and fun!

11 Amy Friend said...

So cute! Where do you buy your flex frames? I want to try one of these sometime. They look so easy and fun!

12 Holly said...

Your pouch is great! So bright and cheerful, just my style. I love how you added the dachshund detail!

13 Kara {me and elna} said...

This is so stinking cute! :)

14 Dianne said...

So sweet and so tiny! Love the cupcake tab too, adds a touch of whimsy.

15 Ulla's Quilt World said...

That is so lovely! :)
Hugs, Ulla (from Finland)

16 Live a Colorful Life said...

What a great use for that charm pack! Flex frame pouches are on my list of things to do. My very loooong list of things to do.