Monday, June 25, 2012

Things That Go 'Round





...and more importantly at the fair, things that are round:


Nearing the end of the elementary school era for our family means a break in my hectic volunteering schedule. I'm losing steam, but couldn't resist the end of year trip to Playland.  I don't go 'round anymore, only up and over (I LOVE rollercoasters).  I think she does, too.



1 What Comes Next? said...

great pictures! I'd say that smile says "like"!

2 Heather D. said...

EEk! Oh Playland, so long since I've been there (and can't say I miss it!). Not really a rides person myself, it always makes me a tad nauseated even to just drive past. hehe We did Disneyland last summer though, and that was awesome. Even rode a few roller coasters which was a big deal for me!

3 Holly said...

Looks like you had a great time! I can't wait to take Sophia to Playland again this year. She's a tall five year old, so she can go on lots of rides. Her favourite last year was the wave swinger.

4 Dianne said...

Brilliant photo of D. Looks like it was a great day to go too, no rain!!

5 Amy Friend said...

Rollercoasters terrify me. Does that surprise you? I bet not :) Great pictures!

6 Katie said...

When I was younger I loved the rides, unfortunately now that I'm uhhhhmmmm older, my equilibrium doesn't let me ride anything that spins. I'm still good with rollercoasters though and that wooden one there scares the bejezus out of me!

7 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Looks like fun, but what the heck is no3!!?

8 harmony and rosie said...

It looks a lot of fun, you had some great weather too. Lucky you!
I've had a lovely evening looking through your blog .. loved the song about Vancouver, we had a couple of holidays in your home town recently. What a wonderful place.

9 Unknown said...

it's been 10 years since I was last on a rollercoaster... I wonder if I'd still survive?

10 PinkGranny said...

You all had such a good time! It is definitely a change after elementary school and I enjoyed that phase too. I can tell you will too.

11 Live a Colorful Life said...

What cool pictures!

12 paulette said...

Ahhh the memories!! Thanks!

13 trudys_person said...

At our age we have stick to rollercoasters! That PNE one is surprisingly terrifying - I try not to think how old it is ... Love bumper cars too!