Friday, July 28, 2017

Pop Stars - A New Quilt and Giveaway

In case you're all thinking that all I do in July is celebrate my birthday, I've got news for you. I've been working on a new project for RJR Fabrics' What Shade R U bloghop. You can read all about it on the RJR Quilt With Love blog here.  There's lots to know, so check out my guest post over there because there's a HUGE giveaway involved.

I can't resist sharing here because staring at this photo just makes me happy. I've wanted to make an 8-pointed star quilt for ages and finally figured out that I could use my Improv Under the Influence piecing technique to build the star diamonds. It's a riot of split complimentary colours and the outstanding quilting by Carol of Twin Creek Quilts is jaw-dropping. It's so much fun to look at!

Pop Stars by Poppyprint, quilted by Twincreekquilts

There are lots of close-up detail pictures in the main blogpost and you'll be able to see how I avoided y-seams in the construction of this quilt, so check it out!

**GIVEAWAY ON INSTAGRAM** Keep an eye on the @rjrfabrics IG account for a full FQ bundle giveaway of every colour of Supreme Cotton Solids (25 of them) I used in this quilt. Over 6 yards of fabric! Woohoo!


1 deebriese said...

Oh my gosh i just love this..afraid of the points though. Just stunning

2 Suze said...

I don't do Instagram, so I lose out on giveaway. Crud. Found your blog interesting.

3 Dianne said...

Great blog post on RJR Krista. The photos are great! Carol is very pleased with the quilt as well. Your collaboration resulted in an awesome quilt. Maybe it will hang in our show next year?

4 trudys_person said...

This turned out amazing! Nice work Krista and Carol!

5 elnorac said...

Wow, Krista, it's fabulous!

Anonymous said...


7 Sandi said...

Absolutely beautiful!