Monday, July 31, 2017


What luck! RJR Fabrics has given me the opportunity to share a second fabric giveaway (they are also running the same giveaway on their Instagram account). You could win this gorgeous bundle of 24 Supreme Cotton Solids fat quarters. All of the colours that I used to make my Pop Stars quilt!

This giveaway is also running on my IG account, but I will add entries from both places. You can enter here by leaving one comment and you can also enter on IG by leaving one comment on the post - double your chances! If you enter here on the blog, you MUST have your email linked to your comment, or include your email address in your comment [go ahead and use the form bob(dot)smith(at)location(dot)com if you like]. Sorry, but if I can't contact you, I will chose another winner.

Giveaway open until 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time Wednesday, August 2, 2017. ETA: comments are now closed on the giveaway. After deleting duplicate comments, adding the 105 blog comments to the 372 IG comments, the Random Number Generator chose 306, which is @createthepoint on IG. Congratulations, Jo!!

Good luck!


1 Unknown said...

Beautiful color selection!

2 Liz said...

Wow, what a lovely array of colors! If I don't win this ... can I buy this somewhere?

3 Jo-Anne said...

Such a lush collection of colours and your star quilt is positively gorgeous!!

4 Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

What a beautiful rainbow! mjalto at

5 mamagoose said...

Fantastic colors! So pretty.

6 Sharon T said...

Oooooh! This bundle would be so much fun to play with!

Anonymous said...


8 Patty said...

Wonderful colors - Would love to play with these!

9 Christine-Bellylaugher said...

This bundle is beauriful!

10 Carol- Beads and Birds said...

these colors are so bright! Thanks for a great give a way.
crldelater at yahoo dot com

11 Joan said...

Beautiful bundle of fabrics! Thank you for the great giveaway.

12 Karen said...

Love the new pattern! Thank you for the chance to win!

13 Willow @bearpaw_stitchdesign said...

Love these colors together! Such a great bundle :)

14 Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Beautiful colours.

15 Kathy S. said...

Thanks for the chance to win. The colors are gorgeous!

16 Karen Hootman said...

Beautiful colors!!!

17 Martina said...

I love your star quilt so much! Beautiful bundle!

18 Danette said...

Would love to win these awesome colors! Thank you,

19 Suze said...

The first word that popped in my mind was: Luscious. Oh, how wonderful.

20 Quilting Tangent said...

Beautiful colors. Thank you for letting us enter through your blog.

21 floribunda said...

all my favorite colors (or is it colours?) -- I'd love to win.

22 Debbie said...

I would LOVE to win those fat quarters! Oh, the colours!
I'm debbiesvensson and you have my email address. :)

23 Lana said...

Awesome colors...thanks

24 legato1958 said...

Gorgeous colors!

25 Alcea Rosea 31 said...

What a gorgeous bundle of amazing inspiration. Thank you for the opportunity of winning.

26 Gene Black said...

I love those colors and I would be delighted to win.

27 Terry Sargent Peart said...

Hi! Love your blog.

28 Cecilia said...

Beautiful colors! Thanks!

29 Aliceart said...

What happy solids! I'd love to win some! Thank you.

30 Jayne said...

What a lovely rainbow of colours. I have never worked with solids before so would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity

31 Anne said...

Love the colours!

32 donna from canada said...

Wow.....crossing my finger

33 suzanprincess said...

I'm crushing on your color combo, and would love to get to play with this set of solids! susanprincess(at)att(dot)net

34 Georgia said...

Beautiful fabric! I just came over to your blog after viewing your accuracy tutorial on MQG. Thanks for the excellent information.

35 Pauline said...

Gorgeous color palette, I could have fun with these beauties!

36 Tina said...

Beautiful colours. I need a pop star quilt of my own.

37 Sherry VF said...

What a generous giveaway and so gorgeous! sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

38 What Comes Next? said...

You are just so creative! This is a spectacular quilt!

39 Rina Mason said...

Such a beautiful selection of colors. Thanks for the chance to win it.

40 Heather J said...

Love the colours in this bundle. Love the quilt!

Anonymous said...

I love these colours. I would love to win them.

42 Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

so pretty! I would make butterflies with them!

43 Terri H said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
flower22child at gmail dotcom

44 Ann Phelan said...

Love your colour choices!

45 Mary W Quilts said...

I love this bundle. I have a definite teal/aqua deficiency in my solid stash. It would be great to win this.

46 Vicki H said...

I love all the colors, my stash is lacking solids.

47 vkh6210 said...

Beautiful colors. Would love to play with them. vkh6210 at gmail dot com

48 babiesdoc said...

I need my solids in my quilting life. these are beautiful. thank you for the giveaway


49 Tamie said...

What a beautiful bundle. I'd love to add this to my solid stash.

50 Michele T said...

Gorgeous colours and the quilt you made is beautiful!!!
micheletimms at gmail dot com

51 Lisa in Port Hope said...

Gorgeous quilt and I would love to win that bundle! Ljridge4511 (at) gmail (dot) com

52 Sue said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

53 Terry Aske Art Quilts said...

Beautiful colors!

54 Julie O. said...

What a fun, happy bundle!

55 pennylanequilts said...

Wow, this is such a lovely stack!

56 kathy slaughter cummings said...

Gorgeous solids! Thank you!

57 Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful fabric bundle. Love the quilt you made with them.

58 GranChris said...

I love the colors, great bundle. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

59 Sandi said...

Great colours! Maybe a new quilt for my new studio?

Anonymous said...

Loved this quilt and the colors you used.

61 Lisa England said...

What a gorgeous bundle! The colors are so cheerful, just the kind I like to work with.

62 KaHolly said...

Wow, RJR is being very generous! I'd love the opportunity to try their solids. I don't care for Kona, and use/love Free Spirit, but they're so difficult to find. Thank you for this opportunity!

63 sewista said...

I love the yellow pop of color. How fun!

64 Rhona said...

Love your quilt and the colors you used,what a great giveaway.

65 Quiltsmiles said...

Your pop stars quilt is gorgeous. Thanks for the chance.
I love that pop of citron green at the bottom of the stack.

66 harleywife57/ Mickey White said...

This bundle is SO beautiful ; thanks for doing this giveaway .

67 Stina... said...

Especially LOVE the blues ... those stars really pop with these colours... great quilt :0)

68 Helen said...

Beautiful colors! This bundle gives me so many ideas!

69 sam said...

This bundle is luscious!

70 Dawn said...

The blues are gorgeous in this bundle, thank you for the chance to win. Have a great day! dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com

71 Theglasdiva said...

Love all these saturated colors! It would be a great addition to anyone's stash.

72 Jan said...

Thanks for this giveaway! Love to share with my daughter, @loneoakdesign

73 begoodbabe said...

Beautiful colors! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

74 Julie said...

Lovely colors! And I know just what I would make!

75 rosemaryschild said...

Wonderful colors! RJR fabrics are fantastic! Thank you, Susan

76 Sarah@123quilt said...

Thanks for the second chance to win! sarah123quilt {AT} gmail [dot] c o m

77 Linda Fleming said...

What a beautiful selection of fabrics!

78 Unknown said...

Love all the colors! Would make a beautiful tote bag

79 Unknown said...

Currently doing Montessori materials for my daughter. These colors would be an amazing addition to my designs for her pouches.

80 Studio TBF said...

Great assortment of colors!

81 rstogether said...

OOOH!! These lovely solids need a place in my fabric drawer! Thanks for the giveaway Krista.

82 Poppyprint said...

Oh my gosh, you are terrific! Great quilt Krista, thanks for always sharing- Stitch Sharon

83 Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

What a beautiful bundle.

84 Candy said...

Who could resist these? Gorgeous

85 amy dame said...

your quilt is so beautiful Krista, thank you so much for sharing it and the fabric with us!

86 Karen said...

What beautiful fabric! Thanks so much for giving all this gorgeousness away :)

87 Dianne said...

Commenting again because I need more fabric. LOL!!
Thanks to you and RJR for this lovely giveaway.

88 MichelleY said...

Who wouldn't want to win this lovely bundle? Awesome colours! ☺️

89 Lisa J. said...

This is such a beautiful bundle and a very generous prize.

90 Sally said...

What a nice selection of colors, thanks for the chance.

91 Bec said...

Gorgeous - thanks for the chance!

92 Rhonda said...

They are so pretty!

93 Jonnie (JB) said...

Beautiful array of colors! Thanks for the chance!


94 Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Fabric bundles always make me hungry - yummy!!!

95 Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Your quilt is a beaut!

96 Unknown said...

I love the mix of colours. This would make a fantastic quilt.

97 Nita said...

What fun! :)

98 dthompson said...

A beautiful bundle of fabric! Thanks for the great giveaway.

99 Emily C said...

Beautiful bundle! My favorite colors are blue and purple. =)

100 mangozz said...

What beautiful fabrics!

101 Unknown said...

Gorgeous fabrics!

102 Nicole said...

Those colours are super! (Just like your quilt.)

103 Judy Lane said...

Beautiful colors.

104 rainjerette said...

What a beautiful collection. Thank you for sharing with us. Hope you are all safe from the fires and smoke!