Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Stepping Stones IV

Although I've made three previous Stepping Stones Table Runners (a pattern by Krista Withers and me) in my book Make It, Take It, they've all been gifted. It is a project that people always respond to very positively at my trunk shows, so I thought it a good idea to make another one for my upcoming teaching trip to the Maritimes.

The other ones were also made with Heather Ross prints; they are so cute, visually interesting and fun to fussy cut!  I've traded the froggies for unicorns on this one, using the Far, Far Away line.  As with the other runners, this one has Essex linen in natural for the background.

Stepping Stones Table Runner by Poppyprint

I've quilted it just like Krista's accompanying instructions in the book for Ghost Shape quilting using a walking foot. I marked the ghost shapes and a few of the long, straight lines with a Clover disappearing pen (that evaporates in about an hour, depending on the level of humidity in the air).




I don't often buy fat quarter sets of fabric lines, so when I do splurge it is usually because I have an idea and want to use the prints together in a project. What I always forget to do is also buy a 1/2 yard of one of the prints to use as a binding for that project. Luckily, I had this two-tone Carolyn Friedlander print that works perfectly with the blues in Far, Far, Away. Hopefully, next time I won't forget the binding!


1 Karen said...

Ghost Quilting! What a beautiful finish for your runners. And your fussy cutting is so perfect. Have a great time in the Maritimes--such a wonderful place to visit:)

2 Bearpawquilter said...

Are the circles appliquéd on after the quilting is done or did you stop and start? This runner is really clever. I like it a lot. Nancy

3 KaHolly said...

I forget, too! Binding is always a quandary! It's a lovely pattern and the girls will ooh and ah over it. Have fun on your trip to the Maritimes. Wish I could pop on down. ~karen