Thursday, May 8, 2014

Stitch Science in Homespun Magazine

Last fall I received a lovely email from the folks at Australian Homespun Magazine asking permission to publish one of my tutorials (the Sweetheart Stamps over there on the left sidebar).  After some back and forth emailing, the focus shifted and instead they asked if my Scan Me QR code quilt could appear in a piece on "The Scientific Approach" to sewing by Janai Velez. Cool!! Sewing nerds unite!

The feature is in this month's (May 2014) issue of Homespun. I love the sweet thread spool on the cover!

Courtesy of Homespun 

Janai is kindly sending me hardcopies of the magazine, but passed along these images for me to share. The Science feature looks super geeky and excellent. There is a piece on this guy that you must check out, especially if you are an antique Singer fan. I'd never come across the Sewing Machine Orchestra before and I'm rather amazed by it all.

Here's the piece on my quilt (also giving some props to the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild here!).  This quilt will likely be hung soon at Vancouver's Mini Maker-Faire in June.

Courtesy of Homespun

A great big G'day to my Aussie friends! I just love it that a little picture of something I made is in a Australian magazine. I am so coming to visit one day!


1 Leanne said...

How cool is that! Your quilt is cool too, and totally belongs in a magazine.

2 Andres said...


3 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

You better! We're waiting!

4 Rie said...

That is so totally ace! Congratulations!

5 Christine M said...

Congratulations on being in Homespun magazine.

6 cat and vee xoxo said...

I just bought the Homespun today and saw your quilt, congratulations! Very happy to send you a copy of the mag if you'd like. Cat

7 Susan said...

G'day right back at you Krista! I wonder whether your email arrived about the same time mine did? My project is coming up later in the year!

8 Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Congrats, I will have to go find it. And yes, you should definitely come visit us!

9 Amy Friend said...

Very fun! I love the cover of the magazine too.

10 paulette said...

I ALWAYS knew that you would were a cover girl!! couldn't happen to a more deserving quilter!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Krista. Your quilt is standing the test of awesomeness time. I love the look of that mag too, will have to keep an eye open for it. Do you know if it's even available in Canada.

12 Karen said...

Great to see you in print:)

13 Sandi said...

Congratulations Krista! That is fabulous and so deserved!!! Can't wait to get my copy autographed when it is available here.

14 Helen said...

Well done Krista! I had a quilt pattern published in Homespun yonks ago, they only publish the coolest quilts! haha! Love to see you up our way one day.

15 Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats! Congrats! I follow a famous quilter! Thanks for the links to the sewing machine orchestra. I could even tell what most of the machines were, too. Now to see if I can find that magazine on this side of the pond (USA).

16 Dianne said...

Your fame grows and grows... :0)