Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Closer Look

It has been ages since I took my camera out. I'm talking about the one with the lenses, the strap and the memory card. As opposed to that other thing that's called a phone, but is really a flat camera for me. iPhone photos look great on an iphone, but I find them altogether unsatisfactory for blog posting....they are dark, typically grainy, high contrast, and while fun, they are not the kind of images I like to share here.   I've been missing my Nikon and spending time focusing on a subject and composing an image, so I decided to spend a few minutes in the garden yesterday doing just that.  I feel really out of practice, but here are a few of the shots I took.  And just for the record, I find the new and ever-changing Flickr interface extremely difficult to use, so that is another reason I am struggling share much these days.

All of these images were shot with my Micro NIKKOR 40mm 1:2.8 lens.  The lens was a Christmas gift from B in 2012 so that I could take more detailed photos of my work. It's an amazing lens!

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014

Garden Macro exercise spring 2014
This is my favourite shot from the exercise. The light, layers and bokeh effect all make me happy.

The vast majority of my sewing time over the past several weeks has involved many, many yards of Spandex. You see, it's show time again. In fact, the curtain opens at 12:30 on Thursday for the first matinee and we still have plenty to do. I've been doing 4 or 5 hour shifts three times per week. It's actually a lot of fun as the volunteer team is really great and we're enjoying the process of cutting, serging, trimming and fitting the costumes to the performers.  Racks of bodysuits on hangers aren't really suited to blogging....

Quilting will be back on the program starting Friday morning. It's the VMQG's first sleepover retreat!! I'm sad to miss a lot of the show action, but I'm also excited about retreating with my modern guild peeps at the beautiful Edenvale Retreat Centre. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so hopefully we'll get to see some sweet trilliums and wild orchids on the forest walk behind the house. I'll be working on a comfort quilt for a friend who is in need of a miracle.  Thanks to the generosity of local quilt friends and moms in our community I have almost 70 blocks to sew together and get basted this weekend. That's another thing that's been occupying my mind a lot over the past few weeks: our friend community has really suffered a tremendous amount of heartbreak over the past year.  It's a real time of reflection and introspection for me. I know you understand.



1 Andres said...

Those are beautiful photos.

2 SewPsyched! said...

Love the photos and the thoughts. Always good to recharge. So very sorry to hear about your friend circle.

3 Dianne said...

Beautiful pics Krista! Have a great time at retreat!

4 Leanne said...

I hope the retreat is fun and that quilt is going to be beautiful, warm, comforting, and maybe it has a surprise miracle or two in it too, who knows. Your photos are beautiful, I need a new lens for my camera.

5 M-R Charbonneau said...

Your photos are amazing! Have fun at the retreat. I'm sure it will help with the reflection and introspection. :)

6 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

I'm sorry to hear your quilting community has been having a rough time of it. I hope things will look up and that the miracle you're hoping for comes through.
Love your lens - I have often toyed with the idea of a macro. Your lovely pictures make it hard to put the idea to bed!
Have a great time at the retreat. Sounds like you've earned it. x x x

7 rstogether said...

Enjoy the retreat, look forward to grainy iPhone photos 😉 my fave above is the woody birdhouse (?) with the screw eyes, but they are all amazing.

8 Dianne Neale said...

Oh I wish I could take a decent photo! I especially love the one of the bleeding heart
Enjoy your weekend

9 Ann said...

Nice to see you again! Love your pictures - I'm a sucker for flower close ups. I've asked for a macro for my birthday too, haven't had one since I switched to digital and I really miss it.

10 Katy Cameron said...

It's nice to get out with the camera and play :o)

11 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Wow, it's like you are a teeny tiny flower fairy getting that up close and personal!
Have a fun & productive weekend xxx

12 Mary K said...

Beautiful photos. Reminds me to check out my bleeding heart plant. Thanks

13 Live a Colorful Life said...

What beautiful photos, Krista. I need to spend time learning to use my manual settings. I even have a 100 mm macro lens. Overkill? Yeah, probably. So much to learn about that camera. I hope your quilting retreat is wonderful and therapeutic. And that someone takes care of you instead of you being in charge. I'm sorry for your friend. I have been included in making way too many comfort quilts and always hope I am not the recipient. Your friend will be surrounded by thoughts of love. Sending hugs to you.

14 Rene' said...

Breathtaking photographs Krista!!! That is an amazing lens, but you couldn't take pictures like this unless you had an eye for color and composition. I especially like the next to last photograph. What type of flower is that? Enjoy the show and your retreat!

15 mary truax said...

Hope you are enjoying the retreat. Praying for a miracle for your friend. May your quilt give her comfort and may she feel your love.

16 Cheryl Arkison said...

Oh how I love a macro lens.