Thursday, May 15, 2014

VMQG's first overnight retreat!

The VMQG had a sleepover!  Planning for this special weekend had been in the works for over a year. When then-President Holly asked if I would like to organize the guild's first retreat I was more than happy to get started. Of course I want to retreat with my modern quilty peeps!

VMQG retreat 2014

We stayed at a beautifully secluded and quietly comfortable retreat center, with freshly planted herb and flower gardens, about an hour out of Vancouver. I had been there four times before, but not for a few years because my regular retreat group is too large for this work room (I fear that once the other members of the guild find out what a great time the 22 of us had, so many will want to attend our next one that we'll need a bigger venue, too!).

VMQG retreat 2014

On our first night we had a fun wine and cheese welcome that included our pillowcase swap. Prior to retreat I'd sent everyone a tutorial for making a French-seamed and piped pillow case using the "sausage roll" method (google it, there are lots of tutes!).  It was a brown paper bag swap with stealing - despite some speedy steals, we all ended up with a fun pillowcase.

VMQG retreat 2014
I made the AMH Drawing Room one scored by Jo Anne on the left there.

VMQG retreat 2014

I'm afraid that's all I've got for photos. When I wasn't giving away draw prizes, hosting wine and cheese swap and show & tell, or painting my nails with the lovely Soakwash Lizzy House nail lacquer set (at midnight!) I had my head down working on a VSQ.  That's a Very Special Quilt.  Please come back tomorrow for my Bloggers Quilt Festival'll see it then.


1 Canadian Abroad said...

Glad you had a good time and really looking forward to the big reveal of the VSQ.

2 Elsa said...

Retreats are the best! Great way to get to know people a little better.
Really sorry to hear that the MQG Northwest Meet Up isn't happening this year ~ I was looking forward to coming to Vancouver!

3 Catherine said...

Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves

4 Dianne said...

Your retreats are always such a good time Krista! This one looked like a heap of fun!

5 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

What fun!

6 Bearpawquilter said...

What fun! Ours is this weekend and I can't wait. N