Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Digs

Back in the fall I shared this post about a fairly significant room swap in our home. The entire thing was prompted by an extended grandparent visit (which was truly lovely and yielded some beautiful items from my mom, who parked herself on the couch beside a very happy miniature dachshund and knit and knit and knit!).  After my parents returned home to Ontario, it was a slow process establishing D in her new bedroom (my former sewing room) and transferring all of my stuff two floors up to her former bedroom.  There was a lot of 'transition' time with dismantled IKEA furniture stacked against hallway walls, boxes of folded fabric stacked in corners, 4 days of drywall repair and painting and let's not forget Christmas.

Fortunately, B was able to take a full two week holiday - this was our chance to get 'er done!  Posts have been sparse here at Poppyprint because I made a commitment to myself that I would not start sewing again until I was properly set up. I feared that once I got started into projects, all unpacking would grind to a halt and I'd be living in a disaster zone for months.  I can tell you that sorting and refolding 12 years of fabric accumulation brought on some very powerful emotions:  fond memories of past projects I loved making, buyers remorse at some seriously questionable fabric acquisitions, satisfaction at seeing my beautiful stash re-established in colour order all neat and tidy.  As the dust settled and I felt more and more content in my tiny new room however, the most powerful realization I had was that I am truly happy. And fortunate. And free to create as I please.


It's far from complete. There is a ton of stuff that just doesn't fit that I'm still pondering. I have to decorate the walls with my mini-quilt collection and figure out a window covering (this room faces south and the low winter sun is rare, but blinding!). 


Feeling 75% settled, I hatched a master plan to deal with all of the unloved fabric I still have that just doesn't seem 'me' anymore.  I admit, some of it is downright ugly, but most is perfectly acceptable and it's all good, quilt-store quality. I already gave tons of fabric away at my last day retreat, however the Big Relocation made me realize that I have so much invested in quilting.  I bought all of this fabric for a reason, albeit misguided at times. I want to use it. 

This is just a tiny, infinitesimal portion of my 'not me anymore' fabric

If you follow me on Instagram (I'm Poppyprint) you know that my scrap quilt is well and truly underway. A 3-day cutting marathon with my friend Dianne's Accuquilt Go! 2.5" die has yielded thousands of squares of happiness (I have a Go! Baby but Accuquilt doesn't make a 2.5" die despite my begging - jeez, do they not listen to me?).  I cannot tell you how happy this project is making me! I swear every little 2.5" square has a memory for me. This may turn out to be one of my most favourite projects. It feels really indulgent, actually. It is just for me.

I'll be back soon with a post all about my Scrap Vomit progress.


1 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

I'm quite envious about your perfectly tidy stash, but I'm sure it soon enough will be scattered around your flat surfaces when you get back to sewing. Or maybe you are just that tidy? Anyway, happy new quilting room, Krista, may it serve you well and get to see many, many gorgeous quilted projects in the making!

2 Jo Ann said...

Love the new room! I need to do a big destash too!

3 Katy Cameron said...

Happy vomiting! Can I just say though that your fabulous tiny new room seems to be about twice the size of my sewing area ;o)

4 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Loving the room; mind you I would love any room that doesn't come with people wanting to eat in it!

I have Sizzix'd a load of 2.5 inchers this weekend too - such fun ;)

5 rubyslipperz1052 said...

Great inspirational room!

I have to admit that I have 30 year old fabrics in my stash that I still love. The big problem is that it seems no project has been worthy enough to cut into some special yards of fabric. Time is getting shorter to use it. So, I've set some mini goals to find the perfect pattern...SOON!


6 Canadian Abroad said...

I dream of a sewing space of my own some day. Loving your beautifully sorted fabric.

7 dutchcomfort said...

I love your tidy new sewing space!

8 felicity said...

Looking good! Lucky you to have a dedicated space (with a door!) to create!

9 Angela said...

some of my goals with larger cuts of fabric has been to sew pillowcases or dresses. Quicker and easier than quilts with hundreds of tiny pieces. And sometimes my brain needs that quick finish along with using up stash fabrics!

10 said...

NICE! Every woman who sews regularly NEEDS her own creative space... and a window! ; ) Perfect.

: )))

11 paulette said...

***LOVE***your new digs!! So bright and tidy and your stash made me swoon!! And the chandelier is
PERFECT!! When I get home in April I am knocking down a wall in my sewing room!! Yup...I need space!! And I think I will keep an eye open for one of those chandeliers...add a little class to the cave! haha Thanks for sharing!
Can't wait to see your scrap quilt!

12 Leanne said...

Is that the mountains in the distance from your window? I park my machine in front of the windows too but my current view is the house next door. The sun is great too, maybe you should make some scrap vomit curtains too?

13 Dianne said...

Your room looks lovely and as though creativity is in full swing already! And how lovely to watch the day roll by as you sew. Looking forward to seeing the walls with your lovely wee quilts hanging on them, it will be very cheerful.

14 Elsa said...

Love your new sewing room ~ and the view from the window is wonderful! I think you got a good deal moving.

15 Brenda said...

So tidy, Im so ashamed of my rooms. How about a rod with the rings with clips on them and you hang some of your mini quilts as window coverings that way? Might need a bit of muslin behind (cut to size) to protect them from sunlight, but would be a cool way to see what you've done. Just a thought from my Fibro-foggy head.
Cheers, from Oshawa Ontario.

16 Pétra said...

Congratulations on the new space what a perfect way to start the new year. I can't wait to see more photos of your Scrap vomit quilt.

17 Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

It's such a lovely space! Your fabric looks so beautiful stacked together. I would kill for a southern facing window in my space. My bathroom faces south and it's the best light in the house. So good in fact, it's where my seedlings will be started this year for the garden. ;) Even though I have a large space for my quilting room, I still have "crap" all over the floor and stuffed in places and I just can't stand that. I have plans of going through it all again and getting rid of more and finding some more "pretty" storage for the space. I haven't quite decided how that's going to happen yet, though...

18 Katie B said...

Your shelf o' fabric makes me very very happy.

19 Unknown said...

Ah yes, organization and a new room.. looks like it's all coming together, Krista. not a bad view either!

i know a little bit of what you're going through. we're doing the boy's room right now and man, amazing the amount of stuff that was in that little space... some of it from the baby years. some of it bringing tears to the eye. funny eh?

20 Sarah said...

Lovely set up in your new room, with a nice view too! You didn't mention my feeling when I go through my stash - guilt! Oh my god I've spent so much in fabric and I really can't see the day when I'll use it all, eeeek! Oh bugger it, I'll just go see what the Fat quarter shop has on their what's new page! That always makes me feel better.

21 Tiffany said...

Love your new windows, looks like great lighting. And that fabulous fabric stashing shelf - uh! That's got to feel refreshing.

22 Live a Colorful Life said...

Your new sewing space is beautiful. What a view. Talking about fabric from the past, I just wrote a post about that today because I'm feeling overwhelmed/paralyzed. Hoping that clearing out some of it will help. I'll save little bits because I have always wanted to do a scrap vomit--so the best of both worlds really...

23 Helen said...

What an inspiring sewing room Krista! Looking foward to seeing what you sew here in 2013. x