Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sleeve, check. Label, check. Crinkled, check.

The excitement is building here. I am in full anxiety-mode running around like the proverbial chicken preparing for my traditional guild's bi-annual show this weekend. I am so excited to share Blackbird Fly. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever been so psyched to hang a quilt in a show.

As soon as I got home from retreat, I threw the quilt into our front loading washer, then in the dryer on low (with a beach towel) for 1/2 an hour.  Finally, I lay it flat on the floor over night to dry completely.  Look at the lovely softness of the letters now!


I tacked the sleeve across the top (after detaching it from my last show quilt!) and appliqued the embroidered label on that I stitched during the car ride to retreat.

embroidered label by Poppyprint

Photography is tricky this week in the dark, rainy June (?) weather we're having. Oh well, hopefully that means folks would rather come inside and look at cosy quilts than work in their slug-infested gardens.  Just look at this guy, munching his way through my greenery!


This young poppy has the right idea, keeping her hat on till the last minute.


So if you find yourself in the Lower Mainland region this weekend, check out our show on the North Shore! All details here.  Look for me working in the boutique (where, hopefully I'll be so busy selling stuff that I won't have time to spend all my hard-earned crafting cash in the huge merchant mall!)

Gotta run and stuff my thread catcher pin cushions. I've made a ton of stuff for the boutique: key fob wristlets, book marks, passport wallets, voile infinity scarves for summer, belts and more.  I'll share some iphone photos soon, but right now I've got to get busy. Only 8 more hours 'till drop off at the show venue!


1 Katie B said...

I wish I could be there to see this masterpiece in person! Have fun!

2 helenjanei said...

I love your blackbird fly quilt so much! I was looking for ideas for a text quilt and found yours, with the lyrics to my all time favourite song. Mad. It deserves to win hands down.

3 Christie describeHappy said...

Ya, what's up with the rainy east coast weather? Have a wonderful quilt show!

4 Live a Colorful Life said...

This is one of my VERY favorite quilts!! I hope you will give hints because I have had this pattern on my list like forever. Hope your boutique is super successful!

5 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Good luck and have fun! The quilt is amazing, so great you get to share it with so many others. I'd love to see it in person!

6 Heather D. said...

Ewww. Slugs. I don't see too many of them over here actually. We had tons in Abbotsford when we lived there, not so much on the island. We have sunshine right now though. YAY! The sun always seems to come with the wind though, so still chilly.

Enjoy the quilt show, and congrats on the beautiful quilt. Wish I could be there, but alas it is always more complicated than it should be to get to Van.

7 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

oh I want to come!!

8 Lise-Lotte said...

I wish I could be there to see your quilt and all the other ones that I know from past experience will be fabulous! Have fun!

9 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

I too would love to see the show so make sure you take lots of pictures! The quilt looks even better after washing and drying - gorgeous indeed!

10 Dianne said...

Blackbird is beautiful Krista, can't wait to see it hanging in our show! I have my show shopping $ in hand and my first stop is the boutique!!

11 Danielle said...

Ive said it before - I love your Blackbird quilt sooooo much! Have fun at the show!!

12 Chelsea said...

This is insanely gorgeous Krista! I wish I could come over for your show, I'd love to see it in person. Good luck!

13 Michelle said...

Your quilt is gorgeous!!! I'm sure the show will be a huge success! I hate to ask such a dumb question (I'm still learning), but why the beach towel in the dryer?

14 felicity said...

I can't wait to see this beauty all crinkled up. And your boutique inventory is making my wallet break out in a sweat. G and I will be at the show on Saturday afternoon. See ya!

15 CitricSugar said...

It looks gorgeous! (Not the slug, of course....)

16 Carla said...

Glad you had a nice time up here in the interior. Sorry about the weather. I don't miss the slugs.......

17 PinkGranny said...

I love the quilt! I have not seen a label like that and I really like it.

The poppy blooms are terrific! If it wasn't raining so much I'd go check mine. Last weekend the buds were getting big.

This weekend I will think of your fun.

18 The Pied Pedlar said...

Have a great time.
We are having our shoe this Friday and Saturday.
I will email my Aunt and Uncle ,thy may pop along, thy are in North Van.


19 Elsa said...

Love this quilt! have a fun time at the show ~ wish I could come.
It's been very rainy here too ~ not all that far from you ~ Portland, OR.
I'm just about over it.

20 Cynthia F said...

It's just beautiful! And have a great show!

21 Katy Cameron said...

Looking fab! Hope you have a great show :o)

22 Natalie said...

I *so* love this quilt! And the stitching on that label is just perfect!

23 happy zombie said...

I love your Blackbird quilt soooo much! I'm sure you tire of me telling you how much I love that song, and now love it even more. This is one of my all time fave quilts ever, and not just because you made it!

Can't wait to see show pics!!