Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sewing at Large

Hey there! Just a quick check-in to let you know that I slipped out of town yesterday while everyone was at work, school and the dog-sitter. I've returned to the fabulous 70's lake house with my pals for an extended 5 day stay this year!!

If you're so inclined, you can follow along on Instagram where I am Poppyprint. Here's a shot of the rail siding in Kamloops, B.C. I took last evening on our way to the Shuswap. I have no idea how this will come out on the it a teeny tiny cellphone-sized photo?

Look at this amazing quilt I get to sleep under!!

I'm trying out Blogpress for the first time. I've gotta say, writing an entire post on the iPhone isn't something me and my inaccurate texting finger will be doing too often but I may pop in with some phone pics over the next few days.

Time to wake up and smell the lattes!!


1 Heather D. said...

I think I could have looked at the photo and known that it was Kamloops, or something in that area anyways. Lovely! Have a wonderful time Krista. :)

2 Krista said...

Have lots and lots of fun!

3 **nicke... said...

i hope you have a wonderful time and i am jealous of that quilt. snuggle tight! xo

4 Leanne said...

The pictures are fine, enjoy your time with your friends!

5 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Enjoy your friendly sewing time, Krista! The pictures look fine, but I do get the worries about posting on an iPhone. Mine is set up in Norwegian and you wouldn't believe all the weird translations it makes when writing in English. Some times I don't notice until it's too late..

6 Amy Friend said...

Enjoy! Sounds like a wonderful time.

7 felicity said...

Oh you lucky duck! Enjoy!

8 Unknown said...

I wish I was able to be one of your happy group - have a great time (and I hope you get a little sewing done)

9 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Have fun - the pic looks mighty fine xxx

10 CitricSugar said...

Have a great time! I love lake time....

11 MariQuilts said...

Sigh...sounds lovely.

12 Dianne said...

Have a happy time quilting with your peeps and cuddling under that quilt. Hopefully the weather is better there than here and you can get out into the countryside for a ramble!
Looking forward to seeing the output after 5 days of sewing time!!

13 Susan said...

This little duck in downunder Melbourne visited Kamloops in 1980! (Were you even born then??) Have a wonderful time, struggling out from underneath that amazing quilt!

14 What Comes Next? said...

I am jealous! Have fun with the girls and behave yourselves!

15 Carla said...

Welcome to Kamloops! Have a great time : )

16 Unknown said...

5 days!! A little bit of heaven...

17 Jo Ann said...

Have a great time Krista! I know you will have fun as part of that retreat. Is Agatha there too?

18 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Awesome! Have a fantastic time and maybe get some sewing done :)

19 Sew for Tea said...

Beautiful quilt! I just love the colours. I wish I lived closer to BC.

20 Kara @myothercarisacrane said...

I've so enjoyed seeing your pics on Instagram (I'm klassykara); hope you're having a great time! :)

21 amy dame said...

i hope you're having a fabulous time! i'm jealous, someday i'd like to go to an overnight retreat.

22 Live a Colorful Life said...

Have been following along. Yeah, I'm not sure about Blogpress either...