Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Quilt Show 2012 Redux

Last weekend I participated in my traditional guild's bi-annual show. I refer to the Lions Gate Quilter's Guild as my 'traditional' guild only to differentiate from the VMQG, of which I am also a member.  In fact, several of us are members of both guilds and there are people making traditional, modern, contemporary and art quilts in both guilds. There were over 200 quilts on display at a local recreation centre (conveniently located 2 blocks from my house!) and we had what seemed like a gazillion appreciative visitors.  Some pictures of my show favs coming right up! Our show is not juried - every guild member is invited to show up to three quilts, space permitting. Quilts do not have to be original designs and we encourage everyone from beginner to expert to participate.

LGQG Show 2012
"Rooftops 'round the Bend" by Dianne Ritter

LGQG Show 2012
"The Measure of a Life" by Dr. Susan Germain - winner of a viewer's choice ribbon

LGQG Show 2012
"Be Still" by Jo Ann Lee - winner of a viewer's choice ribbon

I've been on the organizing committee for several shows. I've overseen production of our raffle quilts, done publicity and this time I helped to organize the Members Boutique with my friend Marsha.  The boutique is a place where guild members can sell their handmade items and provide a small commission to the guild.  We have a fantastic "exit through the gift shop" set up such that every visitor has to pass through the boutique when they leave the gymnasium. As Katy would say "result"! It works like a charm. Twenty guild members sold almost $6000 of merchandise in two days. Not bad!

LGQG Quilt show 2012  LGQG show boutique 2012
Boutique before and after

Mounting a show is a massive amount of work requiring hundreds of volunteer hours, not to mention thousands of dollars. The rec centre is leased for 3.5 days (we need an evening and entire day for set up) and we have to rent all of the poles and curtains that support the quilts - this equipment is unbelievably expensive.  Our guild is a non-profit so we're not in the business of making money, but it sure is nice to break even on the show. Luckily our community is very supportive and happy to pay the $6 entry fee, plus we have amazing shops from all over the province that pay for booths in our merchant mall.

LGQG Quilt Show 2012
detail of "Configurations II" by Susan Lum, co-owner of Passionate Dyes

LGQG Show 2012
"Rubik's Cube Kicked My Asterisk" by Colleen Bell. Is that a great quilt name, or what?!

We've always awarded ribbons, but every show we go through the motions of trying to figure out just how to do this. In the past, we've had Large, Medium and Small quilt voting categories, but this can be confusing for visitors. This year we tried something different. We just asked visitors to vote for their 3 favorite quilts in no particular order. I think we went 8 deep for these 'Viewers Choice' ribbons. As expected though, no small quilts won this time. The public is very impressed by size! It's a shame because there are some incredible details and just as much work in many wall hangings as there are in a queen sized quilt.

LGQG Quilt Show 2012
Guests enjoying the quilts

LGQG Quilt Show 2012
Our talented members demonstrating art quilting techniques to show visitors on the Education stage.

Although not my original idea, I suggested to the committee a new, secret award idea. I saw this done at the Parksville Quilter's Guild show many years ago and always wanted to try it. Each member of the show committee chooses a fun theme or category, creates a handmade ribbon for it and awards it to any quilt in the show that they feel best represents that category. Mine was for "Inspired Traveller"; others included best use of the colour orange, the most butterflies, best circle quilt, most prolific quilter (for the person who showed the most square inches of work in the show!).  These fun committee ribbons provide an opportunity for more member's work to be recognized and I think everyone enjoyed them.

LGQG Quilt Show 2012    LGQG Quilt Show 2012
These are the two ribbons I made (fabric covered buttons sewn onto two yo-yo's, embroidered and stamped words onto interfaced fabric 'ribbons' which were then glued to the back of the yo-yo's)

I've been rather exhausted by all of the action in my life over the past 6 weeks. I'm looking forward to things calming down as school finishes up in the next couple of weeks and we can look forward to some lazy mornings, hand stitching in the garden and casual bbq dinners on the deck.  If only the sun would shine....

LGQG Show 2012
Circle quilt by Marg Marlow

NOTE: All quilt photos shared with the quiltmakers' consent.


1 Dianne said...

A great post on our show Krista! Thanks for sharing my quilt with your blogging friends :0)

2 Karen M said...

I know that show was a ton of work. Thanks so much for sharing the photos. I love the idea of the committee members making their won award categories. What fun to get an award you didn't even know existed.

3 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

The show both looks and sounds fabulous, Krista! Well done to you and your fellow committee members! You deserve a few weeks of rest now I'd say:)

4 kat129 said...

I think it is incredible that you, your guild, volunteers, and your community put this awesome show together. Very jealous to not be in your town. Cheers and thanks for propagating the love of quilts!

5 dutchcomfort said...

Thanks for sharing the picturs Krista! It’s an amazing amount of work to organize such a show! Love the idea of the award categories!

6 Katy Cameron said...

Looks like an amazing show, and love the extra ribbons!

7 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

That looked like an awesome amount of work - be proud! xxx

8 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

So you're telling me now that size does matter?
I am SO jealous that you have a show like this just around the corner from your house! It looks fantastic and I love the ribbon giving criteria (and the ribbons themselves are little works of art).
You and all the other organisers should get a ribbon for doing such a fantastic job. Well done! Enjoy some downtime, you've earned it.

9 Susan said...

What an amazing show! Love the Circle Quilt especially!

10 Leanne said...

What a great show, I sure wish I lived a little closer.

11 Katie said...

I so wish I could have gone to see the show! It looks like it was a good one!

12 Jo Ann said...

What a great recap of the show! Your photos are fantastic. I have been a zombie for the past few days. I think my normal energy level may return tomorrow!

13 Gene Black said...

All of the quilts are wonderful. I particularly love Rooftops Round the Bend. The colors are not quite my taste but the design and execution looks wonderful.

14 Krista said...

So impressive! I wish you would have shared a pic of your blackbird quilt hanging too! You belong to great guilds.

15 Angela said...

that's great Krista! I need to find a guild here so that I can connect with other people who love to quilt. I'd take any kind of guild at this point I think!

16 Arita said...

Great recap. And you guys did have quite a few modern quilts, they were all wonderful. I have volunteered at quite a few quilt shows and I totally get the work involved in putting them on.

17 Ariane said...

Looks like we both worked hard on quilt shows this past weekend!! Thanks for sharing the wonderful quilts!!

18 felicity said...

I loved loved the show, and the fact that I recognized so many names. Susan's quilt was fabulous and deserved the accolades. The member awards idea was great, too! Congratulations on a wonderful show, Krista and Lions Gate Quilters' Guild!

19 magicmoonmusings said...

LOVE that viewer's choice quilt!!! And the 'exit through the gift shop' tip as well as the 'secret' awards are both terrific ideas. Looks like this was an excellent show.

20 Unknown said...

What an amazing insight into your show - it looks fantastic and I love the idea of a try it out / workshop table - thanks for sharing Krista

21 Carla said...

So fun, and I do like the rubrics cube quilt.

22 Aliceart said...

Thank you for the look at your show; those are some real beauties! I love the special awards and ribbons!

23 Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

Beautiful quilts and what a fun show! I especially love the "Be Still" bird quilt. That is something I want to do next with my quilting. I also love the scenes people are able to create from fabric, so definitely the direction i'll head next.

24 paulette said...

WOW!!!! One of these years I am going to attend this QS!! Amazing quilts!! Such talent!

25 pinksuedeshoe said...

Those ribbons are AMAZING! Holy Smokes! So so great. They are perfect!

26 Kristie said...

Some gorgeous eye candy there! And love your ribbons :)