Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fob Fest

Today is a play day. I'm off sewing with some kindred stitchy gals (however, I have the distinct feeling from the email thread that there will be a lot more eating than sewing goin' on)!  I wanted to bring a little something along for everyone and had just enough key fob hardware to make these.

Key Fobs by Poppyprint

I've got more hardware on order from here because I'd like to make extras for the boutique at my guild's upcoming show.  We always have a fabulous boutique and as we all know, quilters love to shop! A small portion of sales goes straight to the guild, so it's a great way for to support our guild while supplementing our personal fabric shopping allowance. I'll probably make some thread catchers, passport wallets and potholders as well.  Oh, I just remembered that I bought several yards of voile to make summer infinity scarves, too.


If you live in the Lower Mainland, or can make your way to Vancouver on June 8 or 9th, please come to our show! There will be over 200 quilts on display (I'll be showing this one and this one) including modern, traditional, contemporary and art quilts. We do it all here on the north shore.  All the info you need is right here.
Please join us.


1 felicity said...

I'm not allowed to see the second photo - is it the tumbling 9-patch? Will be at the show, but not sure yet if it's avec enfant or not.

2 paulette said...

Those are fob-olishes!! V. Cute! Now I am off to check out those two quilts!

3 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Fresh from my fob-making spree I think I need to make more!

4 Katie B said...

I love these! I'm kind of intimidated by any projects that involve hardware, but the fobs might make me get over it.

5 Dianne said...

Fab Fobs Krista!! Have a great time with the girls at your annual eating er sewing retreat :0)

6 PinkGranny said...

Krista These are great!!!!

7 noodledogknits said...

These are so awesome. Where did you find the weiner dog ribbon!? I love it. LOVE.

8 Carol Browne said...

I love my fob! I will never misplace my keys again! Thank you!

9 Cynthia F said...

Thank you sooo much for making us some special fobs for our sew in day! I love mine too, such a great idea!!

10 amy dame said...

i love my fob too! but even more, i loved the entire day, and i'm so glad you were there. can you believe that i'd told myself "okay, i'm totally not going to talk all day, i'm going to give others a chance to get a word in" that obviously didn't last long!

i'm super excited about the show this weekend, and i so hope i can make it. i was going to come on saturday, but now i'm going to a memorial instead, so cross your fingers that i'll have the energy to come on friday!