Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Applying Bronzer

What a day we had yesterday!!! The kids had a Mom-sanctioned Olympic day off school so that we could take in all the action downtown during a less-busy weekday before our hockey game at 4:30. Good thing I needed a quick stop for a latte en route, because it set us up perfectly to be on the same Seabus as Shannon Bahrke, US Bronze Medalist in women's moguls (and fellow fan of excellent coffee!). Seems Shannon is staying on the north shore with her entire family. Everyone was being very polite (and shy) and not saying anything as we all moved down the gangway to the boat....not D, she decides she's going to go right up and sit beside Shannon!

"Iknowit'shermommy, lookatherpinkhairandshe'swearingaUSAvest, IT'S HER!!!" Sure enough, Shannon's Mom leans over and says to D, "if you've got a camera, she'll let you take a picture of her medal." ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Just look at the smiles!

kids + bronze medal

Olympics 0216_9_1

That medal is so heavy. And so beautiful. Shannon was incredible...a line soon formed and she put that medal around about 30 necks and posed happily for everyone's cameras during the 15 minute boat ride. It was like she was just hoping someone would ask, she was so excited to share her experience with everyone. What a champion!!

Once over town, we first made our way to the cauldron. It is really disappointing that you can't get closer to it unless you have credentials.

Olympics 0216_9_3

We visited Korea House, the Coca-Cola Open Happiness pavilion (my kids made me do it), the Acer pavilion, ate some junk food and then made our way to the Canada vs Norway men's hockey game. What a sea of red!!!! It was such a festive, exciting atmosphere. Look, here are Patrice Bergeron's dad and brother in front of us in the waiting corral:

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This is the last of the hockey fans making their way out of the security corral and into Canada Hockey Place:

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And this is a small idea of what happens when Canada scores!

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As you can see, we were way up top in the 3rd last row, but it didn't matter. There are no bad seats in there and we had a blast.

Short Track Speed Skating today. Phew this Olympics is exhausting and I'm just watching!!

How about that Maelle Ricker!!!!! Canada's Golden Snowboarder!!!


Anonymous said...

She may have won the bronze medal, but it looks like she has a heart of gold! How exciting for all of you!


2 Dianne said...

Sweet Krista! Trust D to meet and greet! Awesome photogs of the hockey arena. That sea of red has got to be inspiring to the players.

3 Always Sewing said...

Thank you so much for sharing this experience with all of us. We have seen the torch here in the USA a couple of times and it was such a thrill. Your children will never forget this. Please continue to share, I look forward to your posts.

4 paulette said...

OMG! That was so incredible!! I feel like I just went to the Olympics!! Your kids will remember this day FOREVER!!! What a sweetie Shannon was!! So nice to see! Thanks for sharing!

5 Unknown said...

What a terrific sanctioned day off! It couldn't get any better than that. Wearing that medal and taking those pictures is something they will never forget. Cool, very cool! Way to go Mom!

6 Susan said...

OMGosh, what a terrific day you all had, Krista! And yay, Shannon, for being such a wonderful sport! I'm so glad you all are having fun with this and getting involved. Maybe this will inspire your kids to become athletes, too,if they aren't already.

I think I told you that my DH was an Olympian, right? So long ago and yet- I nearly burst with pride when I think of it.

7 Heidi said...

I love your pictures! How exciting. And lifelong memories for sure!

8 Martha said...

What a great day off from school. What a role model Shannon is for all!

9 Micki said...

What incredible photos that you are sharing! I wanted to thank you again for your very sweet card to me. It meant so much! I am so happy that you are building up great memories, and how sweet is Shanoon!

10 happy zombie said...

I just teared up when I read about Shannon and your kids. OH MY, what a class act she is! I have goosebumps! And kudos for you for the mom sanctioned day off! And kudos to Shannon's mom too!