It's coming!!! If you've ever heard of SORR happening in the U.S. and felt, like me, totally bummed that you couldn't attend, then rejoice! Swaps are reaching Canada and if you live in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver, you are in luck.
On Saturday, March 13th, Douglas College in Coquitlam is hosting this amazing FREE event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. All you need to do is show up with a bag of clean clothes that you are willing to contribute to the SWAP pile. Everyone will dive in, grab a garment or two, then deconstruct, reconstruct, silk screen, embroider, sew....until they have created a cool, upcycled & renewed somethin' or other. Will you leave with a fabulous new bag? A skirt with funky appliqued flower? How about a silk screened skinny T? The possibilities are endless. All of the tools you need will be there, including sewing machines.
I've never attended a SORR, but I happen to know that there will be a very helpful, enthusiastic, supportive, friendly volunteer teaching participants how to embellish their project with hand embroidery. Who could that be? Oh! It's me!
I hope to see you on the 13th - come visit there and let me know you heard about it here!
More exciting Olympic news and photos coming next post....if you plan on occupying the couch on Friday night and watching the day's Olympic happenings, why not sign up to participate in Bobbi and Heidi's Friday Night Sew-In? I'll be working on my guild mystery quilt that has been neglected for a couple of months. I need to catch up before the next clue arrives in my inbox next Tuesday! Click on the button in my sidebar for all of the details.
Haven't you heard? All the cool girls (there are almost 175 of us) stay in on Friday nights and SEW, SEW, SEW!
1 comment:
Yes, we are COOL! i cant wait for tomorrow night. im going to send my boys to the movies, maybe a nice LONG one!!! (my sewing area is near the living room right now and noisy).
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