Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sew Together Bag for #MayisforMakers

What a satisfying project!! I can't believe it has taken me so long to jump on the bandwagon and make this super cool and useful Sew Together bag.  I'm sure one day I will make more, but for now this one is for me and I just love the clever design of it.


The penguin linen blend was a long ago purchase from SewMeASong that's been curing in my stash awaiting the perfect project. Seriously, these guys are so cute!  I used linen mochi dots in lime for the side panels and two Carolyn Friedlander prints on the inside and pocket linings. The binding is a favourite of mine: Heath in green from Alexander Henry. I quilted the outside panel to byAnnie's Soft and Stable to give the bag body and prevent it from collapsing when it was loaded with stuff and unzipped.



When I posted a progress shot on retreat, a friend shared her brilliant tip of hammering the side seams of the linen prior to attaching the binding (really! With a hammer!). This was a lifesaver to achieve a relatively even binding application, because all of those linen layers are really thick! I sewed this project on my Juki (if you have one, then you know how small the stitchplate hole is) and in the final inch of stitching the zipper ends to the bottom edge, I bent one topstitch gold-eye needle and broke a second. Yikes.  Not bad, though, considering all of those layers that easily divert a lesser quality needle on it's way through.  Ironically, the "thick fabric" stitch plate that I've had on back order since last November was in the mail pile awaiting my return home from retreat.

I found the photos in the posts from this sewalong very helpful when putting the pockets together.

I'm still searching for my week 2 indie pattern purchase for #mayisformakers...what are your favourite indie patterns?


1 Danette said...

Too Cute! I have not sewn one of these. Maybe, someday.

2 Brenda said...

what is the thick fabric stitch plate for the Juki? I'm intrigued.

3 Kathy P said...

I'm curious about that plate too! Never heard of it. Please tell us more!

4 Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

Cute sewing bag. Mine is half done! Hope to get it finished soon. I'm thinking about doing some couching and embroidery on the outside panel. That's why the bag isn't done yet.

5 SarahZ said...

Well done Krista!!! I just love your fabric choices!

6 LethargicLass said...

I think we need more info on this hammering thing... what sort of pattern are you looking for? household, clothing, bags?

7 Sandi said...

Hi Krista, I made the larger Bionic Gear Bag and love it. I understand there was quite the controversy over these two designs but was unaware of it when I made my choice. I chose to do some quilting with a piece of cotton batting in a matchstick design.

It has four zipper compartments and when open has a gray like area to put some of yout tools on. I can't believe all the stuff I can put in it. It also came with a cute zippered dumpling bag and a mini bowl that I use as a thread catcher. She also came out with a baby BGB that I keep all my hand appliqué supplies in, it has one zipper pocket and is about 6" long.

Love your tip about using a hammer, will have to do that the next time I make one.

8 Stina... said...

Have had this pattern for ages...maybe it's time to challenge myself and final make it", love your penguin version!!

9 Rene' said...

I have this pattern too! I love the penguin fabric you selected. I made a bag for me and then later one for my sister to take to QuiltCon 2015, but hers put me over the edge so I haven't tried one since. Haven't really participated in the May is for Makers as I am behind on so many other projects but have enjoyed seeing what others are making.