Saturday, May 14, 2016

Geode - a Mini Quilt

This sweet little expression of colour reminds me of the crystals you find inside a geode.  On the outside, a geode is typically a non-descript round-ish grey rock. However on the inside, if you are lucky when you smash it open with a hammer, you discover a tiny magical world of perfect crystals. Typically quartz (often purple amethyst), calcite or dolomite crystals form over hundreds or even thousands of years as water trickling through a cavity in the ground leaves behind the mineral components as crystalline deposits.


I was starting to feel like this little project was taking a geologic amount of time to complete. After all, it is only 15" square and it has been two years in the making!  Why do we do this to ourselves? Delay finishing a project when really, there is only another hour or so required to get it done? If you've got a better answer than good old fashioned procrastination, please share so that I can learn and stop doing this!


The center block of 'crystals' are teensy little two-fer triangles cut off the corners of this project. Each half square triangle measures 1/2" finished.  I pieced them together to form colourful little square in squares without an overall quilt design in mind.  Next, I created a 9-patch by adding low volume squares around the crystal block. I even used a precious piece of poppyprinted white linen I found in my scrap drawer. Gradually, more ideas came to me and I settled on the green bias tape (appliqued using this method) to frame the little block. I used a flexible curve ruler to draw the wiggly shape on the low volume background fabrics with a pencil (the line is covered by the tape when it is folded over).


Realizing the quilt wasn't yet finished, the tiny circles were hand-appliqued on. Then this poor little quilt top sat for over a year. Sometimes on my design wall. Sometimes thrown over a pile of other fabric on top of a cabinet. Many times folded up and brought to retreat, only to remain folded up until I got home.  FINALLY, last week Geode made it to the basting, quilting and binding stage. Phew.

Geode by Poppyprint

This little gem (couldn't resist) is going in the mail as a reciprocal thank you gift for a special friend who surprised me with her generosity once. 


1 Leanne said...

I love the concept of a quilt taking a geologic length of time. If you figure out the secret to getting these things finished, please share with me too. It is a beautiful little quilt.

2 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Ooh, this is a clever one. I really love that bias tape curved around there - and how the thickness varies on the curve. Or at least it looks like it does, it could be an optical illusion. Whatever, I like it!

3 Susan said...

What a delightful mini quilt! Your friend will love it Krista! Funny how even the simplest tasks can be put off indefinitely!

4 Elsa said...

Sweet quilt, love the whole thing!
Unfortunately, I have the same problem. I've a (quite) few things that need finishing.
At my guild we have a contest. You put in $10 and write down the things you want to complete by the end of the year (someone keeps track). I actually finished 7 things on my list of 10 last year! The person who won last year got over $200! So that could be a way for finishing things ~
Your friend will love this mini ~

5 Aliceart said...

Love this one! Your friend will be thrilled to receive it. Thanks for sharing.

6 Stina... said...

It's a most lovely little wallhanging... Loved reading about how it came to be...and I can't agree more ...why such a struggle sometimes! Maybe it's for a reason...anyway..someone is going to be happy for this little gem!

7 Dianne said...

The person who discovers a solution to the procrastination thing (perhaps a vaccine?) will not only be rich, she will be revered!
Until that happens we can all admire completions like this adorable little quilt.

8 SarahZ said...

This is a real sweetheart! I also like the term/idea "reciprocal thank you"...that is what it is, isn't it! I have done a couple of those lately, and wondered if it made it a swap, when clearly it was something else: a reciprocal thank you :) (I may have been sharper when I was younger...just thinking that thought makes me feel older, lol!)

9 Rene' said...

This is lovely Krista and your friend will love it!! I like reading the story of how this quilt came to be. Great way of using the leftover tiny HSTs too! I have a pile of those waiting to be used. I don't think you are alone in the procrastination department; there are so many of us that would like a solution to that problem ;-))

10 Nicky said...

Well it is done now - needed some maturation obviously! Lovely Geode! Thank you for linking up to #scraptastictuesday