Friday, February 27, 2015

Oopsydaisy - Make It, Take It Corrections

After months of hard work and eyeball-stinging editing, the unthinkable has happened. Yup. There are a couple of little mistakes for the project pictured below that have come to light now that Make It, Take It is out in the world and people are making the projects (yay for making projects already!!). They aren't earth-shattering, but they may leave you scratching your head wondering why you have an extra piece of fabric.

Martingale - Make It, Take It (Print version + eBook bundle)
Big and Little Patchwork Tote 
designed by Ayumi Takahashi of Pink Penguin

If you have purchased a copy of the book, check out the Corrections page on the Martingale website to update your copy. If you have a digital copy of the book, when you log in and open your copy it will automatically update with the necessary corrections.

Sorry gang.


1 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

C'est la vie!

2 Debbie said...

Thanks for the head's up!

3 elnorac said...

Hey, stuff happens. No big deal. I'm dying to get a copy of your book, which looks fabulous!

4 DianeY said...

Thanks for the info! I bought a digital copy thru Amazon. I'm a little confused. Does it get the corrections as well or is that only if you purchased thru Martindale.

5 Elsa said...

Printing it now and will put it in my BOOK!
Thanks again for being so generous and sending all those cute buttons and the book for our retreat! It was a hit!!! You are a peach!

6 Teresinha said...

Krista ,
I came here travelling in the net and found your gorgeous works . The bags are beautiful and I will try to copy them . I've done some patchwork quilts (without quilting ...) but I will briefly try to do different works following your instructions and suggestions.
I am Azorean , live in Coimbra and has visited Canada with may husband, where I have very close cousins and friends. My cousins drove us from Kitimat to Vancouver, but we also visited Montreal, Toronto and Quebec.
BC is wonderful!...
I hope to become your friend and learn a lot of beautiful things with you.
Visit my blogs!

7 Teresinha said...

I´m sorry, I'm not sure about your name ... Poppyprint?