Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who doesn't love Dragonfly(s) & Fabric?

Did any of you regulars notice that sweet new logo over there on my right sidebar? The pretty blue one with the dragonfly?

Recently I met Jennifer. Fellow sciencey-quilter-outdoor-enthusiast-momma who also happens to be Canadian just like me! I couldn't be happier to partner with Jennifer and her home-based business Dragonfly Fabric. She's working hard to offer competitive pricing and fantastic shipping rates: 3 yards of fabric ship for only $4.50 within Canada! Anything over that goes for a flat rate of only $12 and Jennifer lives in Alberta, so hello, NO TAX (for those of you outside the land of maple syrup and snow forts, Alberta is our province with all the oil, and therefore heaps of $$, so they don't have to tax their residents for petty little things like fabric, or booze or cars). The shop is open to international shipping so everyone gets to take advantage of the great pricing.

Like many of you and me too, Jennifer has a slight fabric addiction problem. Of particular issue are gorgeous modern designer prints. Hmmmm, maybe like these ones?

Is anyone else out there seriously jonesing for some Joel Dewberry Heirloom? Bloggers everywhere are featuring projects with this fabric, writing about how gorgeous it is, lusting after it and generally singing Joel's praises. I know my stash is rather lacking in yellows and I'm trying to build up some grey, too. This pile 'o 13 luscious fat quarters would be my kind of fix!

Alas, I am merely the messenger. Yes, that's right. It is YOU who could be augmenting your stash with this fat quarter set of every print in the citrine colourway. And there are three easy ways for you to enter:

1. Leave ONE comment here with an actual fact, or something you think you know about Canada (hey, no mentioning maple syrup, snow forts or Alberta oil - that's like cheating).

THEN, you've got to visit Jennifer's blog to find out the other two ways to enter! Why don't you visit the shop as well? Feast your eyes on the entire Heirloom collection, because she's got 'em. And they are only $10/yard!!

The giveaway closes on September 26th and the winner will be announced on Jennifer's blog.


Rachel said...

Hurray for a great online Canadian fabric shop!

Ha! Too easy, Kristen. New Brunswick is the only officially bilingual province in Canada. I grew up there, and now live in Alberta.

Bree said...

Sadly, the only fact I can think of right now is that the national anthem is "O Canada." Geography/world history was never my strong suit in school!

Rachel said...

Sorry, Krista. It's way past my bedtime...

Sharon said...

Canada is the second largest country in the world.

Tammy said...

Vancouver hosted the World Expo in 1986, celebrating the city's 100th birthday. I attended the expo. Thanks for the giveaway!

felicity said...

I love reading these Canada facts! My Canada factoid is that we became a country in 1867 (always easy for me to remember since I was born in the centennial year!).

Cathy said...

We are the true north strong and free!

And the national Terry Fox School run is September 28th this year, raising money for cancer research in Terry's name. : )

Unknown said...

Hello there,
Did you know that James A Naismith, a Canadian born in Ontario, invented the game of basketball? The first game was played in 1891 in the US as he was an instructor at a YMCA in Massachusetts... I love basketball!

Susan said...

I went to Canada once! I remember staying in a place called Kamloops! Does this count?

Janet said...

Do you know that the province of B.C. extends north far enough that when I drive the hour from my home in the Yukon to the Alaska coast I have to go through a little strip of B.C. Geography is wonderful.

Berene said...

Hey Krista. You know how much I love the Heirloom fabric. So here are two little Canadian facts I like: both the paint roller and the Wonderbra were invented by Canadians. Imagine life without them!

Donna~~ said...

Canada has Lake Louise which has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world (along with the Banff area). I would love to visit again. In the 60's I was there with my parents, and there were "scary looking hippies" hitchhiking all over. (I think my mother was afraid I would run off and join them!) But I was really just captivated by the stunning scenery.

Canadian Abroad said...

My fact: The most southern part of Canada is Pelee Island (in Lake Erie) and is on the same latitude as Northern California.

Anonymous said...

My son told me that they have some really wonderful zip lining tours there. He's been wanting to visit there for a very long time. He's 15 and loves looking at travel sights and always goes back to "hey, let's take a vacation in Vancouver...please."

Kathy said...

The Canadian motto, A Mari Usque ad Mare, means "From sea to sea.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Canada is home to the world famous Calgary Stampede and this year the royal newlyweds were a part of the festivities. Only in Canada,Eh?
I'll throw in this as well, the word "toque" is all Canadian (for our friends far and wide it is a type of winter hat) :)
Thank you for the chance to win!

from a fellow Canuck

Amy said...

Great giveaway!

FACT: My friend Celina is from Canada and she is BRILLIANT.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Um Canada - every sentence ends in 'eh' !!

meli B said...

Big country with a much colder climate that Australia. Hot guys - I know that sounds strange but when I travelled overseas as a student, the Canadian guys were by far the cutest and friendliest. K D Lang and Gordon Lightfoot, favourites of mine. I have a cousin that lives in Toronto and when I visited him he had no garden fence - everyone has one here and he made me a BBQ even though it was snowing because he knew we like BBQ's in Australia. Of course Niagara Falls, massive indoor shopping centres, moose, glorious scenery and the maple leaf flag.

WandaFish said...

What a fun giveaway, thanks!
Um, Canada has the world's longest coastline - 202,080 kms. Oh, and my most favourite author, Margaret Atwood is Canadian :)

Lesly said...

Great idea for a comment theme! And three cheers for a new Canadian online store! Here's my fact: Kingston was Canada's first capital, and home of Canada's first prime minister, Sir John A MacDonald!

hueisei said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway!!
Well, When I think of Maple leaves, I think of Canada..

Laura said...

Anne of Green Gables takes place on Prince Edward Island. In Canada. Right?

Wendy said...

It's actually quite stunning how little I know about Canada. Erm... they have half of Niagra falls? Lots of films are filmed in Toronto masquarading as New York as it's cheaper to film in Toronto than NYC? There is no Joanns in Canada? Not doing very well am I!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

My fact about Canada is that Lake Louise is a beautiful place to visit in the summer (unless you ski, then visit in the winter)!

Lindsay Conner said...

My fact is that Canada sells ketchup-flavored potato chips. I love visiting Canada! So far I've had the pleasure of visiting Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto and Victoria.

Gill said...

My fact is that Canada has a great rugby team in New Zealand at the moment! What a fantastic performance against France today!!

Paskiaq said...

Canada is the best place in the world to live (no bias whatsoever because I'm Canadian ;))

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Something I know about Canada. The flag has a maple leaf on it and you all love hockey!

Shelina said...

I know I have some relatives that live in
Canada, eh. Does that count? Oh yes, they always remind me that Canada is in America too.

Emma B. said...

Superman was created by a Canadian!

Patty said...

Quebec city is beautiful. Traveled there once on vacation.

kerri m said...

So just found your blog by way of Piece N quilt, must say, you are now on my fav list and am heading over to Dragonfly right now. By the way- from Manitoba, born and bred, never leaving, so I can't get started on what is Canadian- we would both be here all day. (but Fernie is my fav place to visit and they have a great quilt shop)

Char said...

Beautiful fabric, amazing colors! My favorite memories of Montreal (where my parents and grandparents are from) is going downtown with my dad to Dunn's smoke meat and sitting at the counter with a smoke meat sandwich on rye, piled high with the most amazing meat, with a pickle on the side. I also loved being able to buy Smarites and Mr. Bigs .. which we can't get here in the states ... oh, and Snt. Huberts chicken ... YUM. Miss those days of being a child, spending the summers in Montreal and sweating to death in our beds because of no air-conditioning and the humidity! Thanks for letting me relive memories of 30+ years.

rstogether said...

Well, so many facts, so little time! Our capital is Ottawa, in the province of Ontario, and we have a prime minister, not a president. And there was another World Expo in 1967 in Montreal. I can sing the theme song if you like : )

Kristie said...

Oh, I am salivating over that stack. I'll take it off your hands, Krista ;)

I am very proud of many of our country's achievements! I will brag here that insulin, the treatment for diabetes for those who may not know, was invented by a Canuck, good old Freddy Banting over at U of T in 1922. Not bad, eh?

Emilie said...

This is too easy for a Canadian (and also too hard to narrow it down to just one)...let's see... Canada once had a female prime minister, her name was Kim Campbell and she was only there very briefly (a few months was it?)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Jo Ann said...

Canada is bordered by three oceans. The Atlantic on the east, the Pacific on the west and the Arctic in the north.
That fabric is fab!

sandra said...

Don't forget our Mounties in their beautiful Red Coats and sitting on their horses. I love Canada it is my home .

Laura said...

The Canadian flag is white with a red Maple leaf. Love the fabric.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Well, Canada is the home of delicious sugar free chocolate and the home of my wonderful quilting friend, Krista. It also hosted the Winter Olympics in 2010 and the Vancouver area looks very much like Norway.

Tracey Jacobsen said...

Fact: If I drive north on Interstate 5 for long enough, I will make it to Canada and my friend Krista. :)

Jan said...

Canada Day is July 1st! Just something I know, I'm in California.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Great give away! My Canadian fact??......
The Saskatchewan Roughriders (football team) are BACK and we have the Grey Cup in our sites!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

Love, love, love this beautiful fabric! Canada - the only time I've ever flown in my entire life - I was the international customer service rep for a company in Kentucky that packaged glue for the LePage Company in Canada and got to visit them several years ago. Lovely country and the people are so nice!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Deb said...

Have to admit that I know next to nothing about Canada. Believe it's the second largest country, but not sure, and the maple leaf is part of the flag, and ice hockey is very important!

Lindzoo said...

Some of my favorite funny people are canadian such as... Jim Carrey, Will Arnett, Phil Hartman, Norm Macdonald, Mike Myers, Seth Rogan... and so on

And the costars of The Notebook- Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

AND... Grey's Anatomy stars Sandra Oh and Ellen Page

Thanks Canada!

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Katie B said...

Well, I googled "interesting facts about Canada," (don't be offended, I don't know any interesting facts about the U.S. either) and came up with this tidbit: the boundary between the U.S. and Canada is the longest border between two countries in the world.
P.S. Note to self: move to Alberta.

Jules said...

ok so um, Canada is a commonwealth country just like Australia. Which is where i am from. so we participate in the commonwealth games together. And i went to Canada for the first time this year. hard to believe, considering i live in Rochester,NY and have done for the last 6 years. But i loved it. felt at home there.Toronto is this wonderful multi cultural city, just like Sydney, Melbourne etc.
And the fabric is ace!, thanks for the chance.

Leslie said...

Does it count that I know that Alex Trebek of Jeopardy fame is Canadian and so is Michael J. Fox and (heart be still) Ryan Reynolds.
Fabric is yummy!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Fact: the best syrup EVER is Rogers Golden Syrup. I bribe Canadian friends to bring me a bottle whenever I am running low.

Joan said...

I live in Ontario and an interesing Canadian fact would be that James A. Naismith, born in Ontario invented the basketball in 1891. Thank you for the generous giveaway. The fabric is gorgeous.

Laura said...

i've never been to canada but i have several friends from there i love canadian honey and anne of green gables would love to visit prince edward island some day:)

DianeY said...

Judging by the fact that so many Canadians winter here in Hawaii, I'd say it's cold. And you can always tell a Canadian by the EH they put at the end of their sentences. I'm a real book of knowledge, aren't I (eh)?

What Comes Next? said...

Hey, I'll sing along with you Rebecca Jane! Lunenburg Nova Scotia was the home of some serious boat builders, where some of the fastest sailing ships in the world were built, including the schooner Bluenose which is featured on our dime. Many of these boats were used for rum running. Nova Scotia's coastline, if it were stretched out, is about 7400 km long, the distance from coast to coast in Canada is ~9300 km, which provided lots of opportunity for the rum runners to hide!

Fabulous fabrics!

Laura Beech said...

My Canada facts are quite slim..I know that one of my new shows Rookie Blue is set in Canada and follows a Canadian police force.

Sarah Preston said...

Anne of Green Gables is set on Prince Edward Island. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jane S. said...

I saw this mentioned by some of the other commenters, but it bears mentioning again -- some of the hottest guys in the world are from Canada. Joe Sakic just knocks my socks off!

In all seriousness, now, Canada is one of my favorite places. Beautiful country, nice people, so much to see and do. Really fun to read all the facts that people listed.

Thank you for the giveaway!

Nancy Lee said...

In 1949, Newfoundland was the last province to join Canada. It was a British Colony until then. Newfoundland celebrates Canada Day on July 1, but it is also a day of Remembrance for those members of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. The Regiment was all but wiped out in the first battle of the Somme in 1916 at Beaumont Hamel. My family is from Newfoundland, home of some of the most talented textile artists around. Looking forward to some quality online fabric shopping from Canadian source! Cheers and thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I spent ages 6 - 8 1/2 living in St John's Newfoundland a provence of Canada. We lived in a row house and then on base.

Amy Friend said...

Thanks to swapping, I know that the Canadian postal system is SLOOOOW. Should I win, I will happily wait patiently for this fabric though :)

Esther said...

The beautiful blue-green color of the lakes in the Rockies is caused by till - glacial sediment that is eroded and carried into the lakes by rivers.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Amorette said...

is it also cheating to mention mounties? i know they have a socialized medical system. and its pretty up there.

Pétra said...

I know Vancouver Island has hundreds of caves to explore.
Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Pinky said...

too easy! A "beaver tail" in Ottawa isn't only something attached to a beaver - it's also a sweet doughnuty dessert type thing!!

Nicole Gendy said...

Kamloops is Canada's Tournament Capital.

Christine M said...

All I know is that it is a very beautiful place to visit. Hopefully I'll get there one day!

Sharon Pernes said...

Canada has the longest shoreline in the world.

Sana Saroti said...

I love love love Dragonflys!!! My biggest fabric treasure are 5 yards of a beautiful Dragonfly fabric I bought 10 years ago and this was also when I went to Montreal for New Year's. I remember knee deep snow and that huge underground shopping area which is a labyrinth of 2000 shops, spread over an area of 18 miles.

Princess T said...

FACT: Canadians consume more macaroni and cheese than any other nation!

Love the fabric and love reading the facts!

Chelsea said...

It's awesome to find a new Canadian quilt shop! And a Canadian fact, huh? I'm Canadian. Does that count as a fact? How about Vancouver Island is also known as Ape lsland due to all the Sasquatch sightings. Yeah, that one seems weird, but it was in a documentary so it must be true!

Lee said...

FACT: The legal drinking age in Canada (or at least Ontario) is 19. I know this because everybody who ever went to college in Michigan knows this, and has made the occasional drinking run to Windsor. : ) Hopefully that hasn't changed since 9/11?

Vivian said...

Hi Krista!!!
Fact...Canada's highest mountain (Mount Logan) is in the Yukon!!!! More facts? The Yukon has a population of approximately 30,000 people, 20,000 of which live in Whitehorse. So it's quite an accomplishment that there are two Yukoners who visit your blog, throw in someone who USED to live here (hmm wonder who that could be) and our northern Territory is quite represented, how cool is that?

Thanks for the chance and introducing a new Canadian it!

Kirsten said...

The winter olympics were held in Canada in 1988, mainly near Calgary where one of my workmates comes from.

Anonymous said...

Your prime minister is Stephen Harper. (I knew that at one time, but had to look it up.) Thanks for the chance! (soniaquilts at gmail dot com . . . sorry, for some reason, this comment format doesn't work with my google account)

Margaret said...

The name Canada comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, kanata, meaning "village" or "settlement."

jayne said...

Being a Florida girl, I know for a fact that you do not have a Disney World but we do have a Canada at Epcot. I love reading everyone's facts because I know so very little about Canada! Thanks for all the facts-what a great idea!

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Krista,
You want a fellow Canadian to list only one fact? I live in Alberta, a place that became a province in 1905. My great grandparents were part of a group of immigrants that came from Sweden, Ukraine, Poland, the British Isles and the USA at the turn of the century because the land was readily available to those who came to farm it. I am a fourth generation Albertan, which is not too common. We have two official languages English and French. We are about 5000 miles across. I live in the largest most northerly city in Edmonton, which also just happens to be the capital of Alberta.
I did go visit Jennifer- she has a lovely site..
Thanks for the chance to win such a nice prize.
Warmest regards,

Elisabeth said...

My Dad was a Swiss watchmaker who worked in Quebec for a short while when he was in his twenties. I realise that's not a fact about my Dad rather than Canada but I still hope that it's enough to give me a chance to win :-)

Susanne said...

They speak English and Frensh in Canada :)

Abbybeth said...

hmmmm ... my Canada fact is that the horses used in the RCMP's Musical Ride all have a maple leaf brushed into their coats on their rumps! :)

Syd said...

I know that French is required in school. (yes I can still read it). Also that French Fries are served with Vinegar.

Deanna said...

I studied Canadian History in uni - so not as boring as high school made it seem.
Before the West was settled, it was advertised as the 'Promised Land' as a way to lure settlers into Alberta. It worked, though many were disappointed because there was so much hard work and so little help.

Barb said...

Canada has 10 provinces - one that is not connected to the rest (an island), 3 territories, two official languages, a very recognizable flag and a military that well respected worldwide. We are an amazing country.

Kimberly said...

One thing I know about Canada is that it's a great place to live.

And you can look me up if you're ever in the neighborhood!

Carol Sharman said...

Approximately 20000 Canadians live and work in the UAE, Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric

Katherine said...

Thanks, Krista for letting us know about a fantastic fabric shop here in Canada.

Having lived in 5 out of the 10 provinces in this country, I'd have to say, Canada has incredible diversity and beauty. We have Great lakes, oceans, prairies, mountains, coasts and even desert.

Thanks for a fun giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oh man, count me in! Now... Hmmm.... Canada Canada... what do I know about Canada... other than the fact that I live here, that is... I don't know if this has been mentioned... but it was home to our heroic and beloved Terry Fox who was taken away from us far before his time and has inspired our nation to run, jog, walk for cancer every year at right about this time...

Dianne said...

Canada - contrary to popular belief we don't add "eh" to the end of every sentence, Queen Elizabeth is our Monarch, the red and white maple leaf became our official flag, replacing the red ensign, in 1965. The Great Bear Rainforest (in my home province of BC) is one of the last intact temperate rainforests in the world.
This post was a GREAT idea Krista! Thanks to you and Dragonfly for the opportunity to win the fabric but especially to read all about our wonderful country!!

Suzanne said...

Yea! A Canadian Shop, in my province even, with great shipping prices!
Something about Canada...It's beautiful!! Oceans, awesome mountains, much to see and do. If I never travel out of Canada I'll still not run out of things to see!

Marie said...

I'm pretty sure it's a fact that Canadians are some of the nicest people and also produce the funniest and most musical as well. That's coming from an American!

Eryn said...

Instead of a fact I just have a general observation... Canadians are the most giving and charitable people in the world. We will do anything for anyone, no questions asked. I am proud to be a Canadian. Thanks Krista for the wonderful giveaway. Now I'm off to check out that new place to spend my Canadian dollars.

Mom C said...

I have relatives in Raymond and spend a week there as a teenager. We swam in the irrigation pond, rode bareback and slept outdoors. It was marvelous. I think we were on our way to Lake Louise. I love Lake Louise but was sadly disappointed when I revisited it several years ago. It has been loved almost to death, we couldn't get away from people. The Canadian Rockies are incredible.

Crystal said...

Beautiful fabric! Would love to add it to my stash....
The warmest lake in Canada is Osoyoos Lake, in Osoyoos, BC. A wonderful place to play for all seasons!

Alisa said...

The most beautiful province is, of course, British Columbia. :-) We are a bilingual country but I only speak English.

I've had fun reading the comments Krista! I'm off to check out the shop now...

Heartsdesire said...

Because I live in Canada (Victoria), I know that Vancouver hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics. The Joel Dewberry Heirloom collection is so gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm off to visit Jennifer's blog now.

Ella said...

I had to explain to many a classmate in college that I could actually get to Toronto faster in my part of NY state than I could get to NYC (or college for that matter).

Cass said...

I don't know much about Canada except that it's part of the Commonwealth, like Australia. :)

Bunny said...

Canada is blessed to have four very distinct seasons! Spring burst forth with vivid green. Summer (in Ontario that is) is just plain HOT. Fall is breathtaking with awesome colour. And winter? What can I say? You have to be Canadian to appreciate it.

Heather A said...

Canadian fact from a fellow Canadian. Lacrosse ... not hockey ... is our official national sport! The irony of that, for me, is that my son plays lacrosse for a college in the United States. Lacrosse. A great sport.

Scrap,Quilt, Preach said...

Canada other than being a wonderful place to live has hidden treasures like diamonds in the North and ancient lava beds near Terrace BC.

Tamie said...

The Yukon Territory is vast, remote and beautiful.

Sarah said...

While traveling in Oregon this year, I discovered that coffee crisp's are only sold in Canada, one girl said she had her sister send her some every year for Christmas. (It is too hard to pick out a single fact about your own country).

monique said...

The best place to live in Canada is Kitsilano (suburb of Vancouver, where I live) and the second best place is Edgemont Village (suburb of N vancouver, where I grew up)... ok maybe not fact. Hmmm...fact...clamato juice, the key ingredient of a ceasar (drink) can only be bought in Canada. Gravol is another Canada only product.

Ginette said...

Ottawa is the capital of this fabulous country!! It is also the second largest city in the province of Ontario. It is also where I live!!

Consuelo said...

Canada has Ketchup flavored potato chips and "smarties". My faithful letter writing friend is Canadian and she was the one who taught me how to knit way back in college! Fun memories.

Indianna said...

It's a fact that I will go there one day - I like orange smarties too.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'd mention that Quebec City is one awesome place!! But I've never been to Alberta-I hear that's pretty neat, too! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Canada hosted the Winter Olympics recently. I have the red mittens!


Michelle said...

Pierre Elliot Trudeau was Canada's sexiest prime minister....

pinsandneedles said...

I know that most Canadian's love the sport of hockey! Thanks!

trudys_person said...

Canada became a country on July 1, 1867 ... my birthday is July 1, 1967, so I have a holiday for my birthday every year. (I share this birthday with Pamela Anderson, also a Canadian - yikes!)

Awesome fabric! Love orange! Thanks Krista!

chris said...

Canada is gorgeous. The Canadian Rockies are one of the most sublime places on earth. :) Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous fabric. Popping over from your fabulous guest post over at Michele Made Me.