I believe I've been foiled by Google Translate. You be the judge.
What I really wanted to show you was the sweet little wooly flowers. Because every roood stitchery should be sneaky and decorated with dainty little flowers, don't you think? You can easily make these by cutting out tiny wool circles with a hole-punch. My single hole punch didn't make it all the way through the wool, but I easily finished the job with my sharp-to-the-tip embroidery scissors.
The wool dots are simply attached to the background with a double-wrap french knot. I surrounded them with typical lazy daisy flowers, leaves and some stem stitch. At least there is something interesting to look at, now that my Latin will fail to shock any passing scholars.
And for something entirely different and really fun, you can visit Angela at Cut to Pieces and read all about ME! I'm so excited to be her most recent "Quilting Around the World" guest. There are all kinds of things you'll need to know next time there is a Poppyprint quiz, so check it out!

A hole punch...excellent idea. I will have to borrow that one!
I did read up on you yesterday. I couldn't agree more about the international postage thing. Why is it that everyone who wins my giveaways are from Australia and Spain?
That is so cool! You should link it!
: )
stitching in Saskatoon
oooooo - I love these little flowers - you are one smart cookie!
Your stitching, as always is insanely beautiful. I did do google translate and it wasn't dirty at all. You'll have to email me with what it was supposed to mean!
What a good idea, using the hole punch! Great looking piece. What fabric are you using? Linen?
Thanks for the link
Lovely stitching! I'm a little sad that it's not as naughty as intended.
Oh ha ha ha, I just translated it and I know what it's supposed to mean!! Maybe not subversive, but pretty cool, gorgeous flowers and who speaks latin anyway?!?
translator brought up "It is time for you to go away. Another version is, "Make way for someone else."
so, perhaps depending on the person, it could mean that it is time to change or leave a relationship the person is in or open her heart to a new life, love. I like the last one because it encompasses the idea of "someone else" being either a new her and/or a new partner.
As an English person, we could add in the flowers as a symbol of new growth and expression or a snarky 'deflowering" but I think you are too classy for that type of connotation. tell us!
Is it meant to tell someone to go away in a less than polite way??? If so I am going to put it on a placard and keep it in my car for use during difficult commutes!!!
Lovely stitchery and the little flowers are genius - of course :0)
SEW cute...and VERY cleverly done too!
Oh I get it all right and I'm going to use it the next time I want to ask someone to 'go away'....hee hee hee. My boys both take/took Latin, I'll see what they think.
The stitching is beautiful. Those flowers are awesome! I never thought to use a hole punch to make the center of a flower, great idea!
Nice attempt! I think Google translate is too polite, but it did offer me 'Tempus Off'!
i love it. i want one immediately.
I love your embrodery and would have never thought of using a whole punch. Your flowers are so pretty, I will have to try this.
sweet circle flowers! i have the distinct impression I was just told to EFF OFF in latin... am i close to the mark?
The verb is missing (est). I think my Latin teacher used this expression quite often. Love it and it's not too naughty!
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