Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another Retreat Redux - 2011 style

A few weeks ago two of my retreat road trip buddies and I headed for the gorgeous Shuswap Lake area of B.C. for our annual 5 days of good times. You know the drill: food, wine, fabric, Featherweights (finally, I'm in the club!), sunshine, shop-hopping and a bit more food. Plus you've already heard about the fund raiser where I met fortrel.

The past year has been one of pretty constant production for me, so for the first time I didn't really feel pressured to sew the entire time. In fact, I took a really laid back approach and managed to almost finish a novel while we were away (The Help - highly recommend it). One thing I worked on will be kept under wraps until it gets further along. I'm just being protective because I know it's going to take me a very long time to make. So, in order to feel like I was getting somewhere, I decided to take a break from the tedious piecing and make coordinating pillow cases for this future quilt. They didn't teach me "Always be Prepared" in Girl Guides for nothing!

By Poppyprint - pillow case on retreat
This is Agatha in action. I realize that I haven't properly introduced her and I need to do that soon.

Rossie gets stuff done. Like a lot of stuff. I think she pieced this whole baby quilt after we got there on the first day. Jeez, make me look bad.

by Rossie - at Blind Bay retreat 2011
Adapted "Sparkling Gemstones" pattern from the book Jelly Roll Quilts
by Pam and Nicky Lintott. This is one of the prettiest jelly roll books I've seen. It is full of gorgeous patterns.

Meanwhile Sandi got down to business putting the borders on this piece of French General awesomeness (these two girls, combined, have more French General than most fabric stores, and they've both made their own versions of this quilt).

By Sandi - Blind Bay retreat 2011

And what else did your's truly get up to? Well, I put borders on and basted this stitchery.

by Poppyprint - Blind Bay retreat 2011

This will be an end of school year present for my daughter, who just completed her first year of French Immersion. I initially did the embroidery on this same retreat two years ago (see? I take my time!). This is actually a twin, the first one was finished ages ago and was one of the very first things I ever blogged about.

I also made 8 thread catchers. Some for special orders, and some more just because I seem to go into bulk production whenever someone asks for one. They're all gone already, so all I can show you is the aftermath.

Blind Bay retreat 2011
These are the corners I trim off of the thread bags

There you have it, a little slice of my May retreat heaven. The exciting part is (1) Only 350 days 'till we get to go back again, woohoo! and (2) Sandi has offered B and I the lakehouse for 5 days in July so we can go cycling together while the kids are off at camp. Double woohoo!

Best wishes for a great week. I've got lots to do and it starts with the kids off school tomorrow for a teacher's pro-day.....


1 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Your retreats always look and sound like so much fun! I love the French pillow in progress. I never dared going up in the tower myself, but I have been standing under it, waiting and waiting and waiting...

2 dutchcomfort said...

La tour Eifel! I love your stitchery quilt block/pillow cover.
I’ve been to Paris so many times, but only once went up in the tower. The view is beautiful, but I prefer to explore Paris on street level!

I also love the French general quilttop from your quilt retreat friend!

3 carol said...

Sounds like you had a ball at retreat. I'm so glad for you!!!

4 Roberta said...

Sounds like a fun and productive time away. I love the French General quilt. And BTW, congrats on being named one of the 55 best quilting blogs: ~Roberta

5 PinkGranny said...

Great projects! I like the French General Quilt too and Agatha looks pretty darn good for her age.

It seems you REALLY had fun!

6 What Comes Next? said...

Sounds like the perfect retreat - nice and relaxing, no presuure, but surrounded by lovely nature and fabric goodness. I've seen Sandi's French General quilt in person and it is stunning. Rossie's quilt is fabulous, too - I'm getting all kinds of ideas on variations of that pattern. And your projects! Love the Eifel Tower - wonderful present, and your future pillow cases look wonderful and bright. So pleased to meet Agatha in passing, will wait for the formal intros!

7 felicity said...

Sounds perfect! I am seriously contemplating a Featherweight of my own.

8 Unknown said...

Rossie's baby quilt is so pretty! Maybe I'm just lazy but I'm a fan of simple yet elegant piecing.

What a good mom you are making Eiffel tower stitcheries for your sweet girl... You're a very good example for me.

9 Mom said...

I love those Eiffel tower fabrics!

10 Rachel said...

So...I was reading your post and thinking to myself, "love it" as I looked at all the projects (and your sweet Agatha). Then...THEN...I saw the Eiffel Tower stitchery and, even though I'm up here in the sewing room alone, I think I screamed a little bit, "LOVE IT!" Please tell me where you got that pattern. Please!

11 Kathy P said...

Don't you just love your Agatha! I've found a 1/4" foot that I really like for piecing, that I like better than the one that comes with the Featherweight. Hopefully this link works - if not, let me know and I'll email it to you.

12 Holly said...

Sounds like an amazing retreat!!

I'm just finishing "The Help" - GREAT book! Apparently a movie version will be released later this summer.