Sunday, November 28, 2010

Full Frontal!

Now that it has reached it's destination, I give you sherbet coins (sorry....were you hoping for Daniel Craig?).

Sherbet coins for Helen

My little chinese coin selvage mini made it all the way to remote Western Australia in just a couple of weeks! Helen wrote a very sweet blogpost about it. I'd say we both came away blessed by this little swap. The gorgeous quilt she sent me was very well received at my guild show'n tell last week - they loved Helen's swirly free-motion quilting and beautiful fabric choices.

I have several little swap projects to focus on now that retreats and other commitments are done. November was certainly a busy month for me. I am looking forward to a week of re-grouping and then...........Christmas!!

By the way, I have my new holiday cookie recipe all dialed in. Christina did this guest post last week just in time for me to try her Lemon Ricotta cookies for retreat. They were a big hit and my kids love' em, too (fyi, I didn't have lemon extract, or Meyer lemons but it made no difference to our enjoyment of these cookies! I didn't decorate with pretty silver balls either, but Lucy's little boy did. You've gotta go see his handiwork!).

Happy holiday preps to you!


1 floribunda said...

oh yum! We have a Meyer lemon tree that produces all year so I'll have to give these a try. Thanks for the link to the boy cookies, too ... very funny!

2 felicity said...


Ahem. Nice coin quilt - lucky Penny!

Hope the retreat went well; wish I could've been there. Ah well, there's always Feb.

3 Amy Friend said...

Your mini is great!! I'm going to have to check out that recipe now...

4 Tracey Jacobsen said...

you crack me up too much with your opening line. :)

Thanks for the cookie recipe. And cute quilt too.

5 maree said...

Lovely to see the mini in full bloom now and can imagine Helen's delight when opening it. Must go check out the lemon cookie recipe as love anything citrussy. Although then the trap is having to eat them!!!!! Ciao

6 paulette said...

Your title REALLY caught my attention!! :o) Trust you!! Your swap partner must be thrilled as your little mini is was the one received!! It was a win, win on both sides!!
Thanks for sharing!

7 Barb said...

your quilt is adorable, I love the stitching, it just adds that bit of umpf....great job.

8 myBearpaw said...

So pretty! Love your embroidered daisies - they look like they come from my vintage linen collection!

9 Kate said...

What a gorgeous little quilt!

10 Diane said...

adorable coin quilt!

11 Heidi said...

oooohhh.. I am in love! You always do such pretty things but this is probably my favorite so far!

12 said...

oh the handstitching is the prettiest ever!!

13 Wendy said...

This is just stunning! It is quilts like this that make me want to run home from work and make a quilt!

14 Kristen said...

Very pretty embroidery! I always want to make what you create!

15 Mermaid's Purse said...

I absolutely love this quilt .......... what a wonderful use of selvedges!