Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Autumn Dyes

Here is the first of my two quilts that were in my guild show last weekend. The show was incredible. We had about 250 quilts, more than 1500 visitors and heaps of compliments from all sides. It was a ton of work, but so incredibly gratifying to see people enjoying our quilts.

I first saw a photo in Quilter's World Magazine of this wallhanging by Ellen Stuckey (I believe she's from Indiana, but I can't find a blog or website for her). I hung on to a colour photocopy of it for several years and finally found the perfect fabric.

Autumn Dyes

My friend Kathy had hand-dyed many yards of fabric and sold FQ's at another guild show a few years ago...for only $2.50 each! I gathered up as many as I could and saved them until last November when I finally, finally found the time to devote to making this free-cut, curved-piecing leafy number.

Autumn Dyes leaf3

Fall is such a beautiful time of year here in Canada. My favourite part of it is the smell. I adore the smell of a freshly raked pile of leaves.

Autumn Dyes leaf

Most of the quilting was done with my IDT on (that's the built-in Pfaff walking foot) except for inside the leaves, which was free-motion. I used the quilting lines to define some extra leaves, for balance.

Autmn dyes quilted leaf

I used several different colours of thread and a couple of variegated ones, all Mettler 40 wt. Due to the oddly shaped top and bottom of the panel, I chose to face the quilt instead of bind it. I did this same finishing method on this mini quilt. I'm sorry that once again I forgot to photograph the steps involved...I promise to do a tutorial on this with another quilt soon.

I look forward to hanging this on my office door come September. It got great response at the show, which is always nice! I enjoyed the process of constructing this quilt, but I've gotta say, free-cutting with scissors and building oddly shaped blocks to be trimmed down later sure wastes a lot of fabric.

I'll be back soon with Tuscan Nightfall, my huge blooming 9-patch quilt.


1 Kathy P said...

Love the colors! Awesome job! Can't wait to see the blooming 9-patch - if it's what I think it is, that's one of my favorite patterns, and has been on my "to-do" list for several years now.

2 Heidi said...

WOW.. I love it! Great job on the quilting! And I agree with you on the 'waste' of fabric in the cutting down process. It does create alot of extra scraps.

3 Tracey Jacobsen said...

this is awesome Krista! I love it! wow.

Anonymous said...

Love the movement and direction on this quilt!

5 ♥Duff said...


6 carol said...

This quilt is absolutely one of my all time favorites of anyone, Krista. It is simply gorgeous!! Make me one! :)

7 Amy Friend said...

I have already raved on Flickr but it is stunning. I think that the fabric choices are spectacular. Your friend did a great job with them. I love, love, love the quilting and am always fond of leaf designs. I also like the stepped bottom and top. Fabulous!!!

8 Unknown said...

so beautiful, just like an autumn day in Canada!

9 karen said...

I especially like how you quilted the leaves - this is wonderful.

10 Unknown said...

Just beautiful! The quilt and the quilting. What a statement that will make on your office door.

11 Marianne Penner said...

It's gorgeous Krista. It looks like it is Japanese inspired. I wish I could have made it to the show to see it in person!

12 Tiffany said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! The color, design, quilting, the works. I'm happy to hear the show was so fulfilling. I would've loved to have been a visitor checking out all the beautiful creations.

13 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

It's perfect, Krista!! Everything work so nice together, the fabrics, shapes, colours, pieces and quilting.
Congratulations on a quilt show well done; I would have loved to visit.-)

14 Emma said...

Great quilt! I love the colours and shapes, and the way you've quilted it.

15 Krista said...

Wow! It's amazing! Beautiful, beautiful work. So glad the show went so well too :)

16 Unknown said...

I really really love this and it's inspiring me to dye some fabric to suit - maybe even some over printing - I can see experiment / playtime on the cards hopefully this summer

17 Jodi Nelson said...

Happy to have found your blog! This quilt is stunning. Just beautiful.

18 Gale, Ky quilter said...

I love it! The colors and quilting and leaves are beautiful! We are having a heat wave here in Kentucky with heat warnings and tomorrow to get to almost 100 degrees - too soon! So, thinking about Fall is absolutely a nice thing right now.
Can't wait to see your blooming 9 patch.

19 Jeannette said...

Lovely art...thanks for sharing.

20 MiniBinoy said...

all your work are amazing!!