Thursday, March 11, 2010

What the....????

That wasn't supposed to happen

When the cherry trees are in full bloom, generally you're pretty safe when it comes to snow. Apparently Mother Nature missed that memo last night. I will not complain. We've had an amazing non-winter here this year, so I can take a day of snow (it just better be gone by Saturday when I have to drive out to SORR!).

Looks like a perfect day for hand sewing this binding down....

Binding's on

[please note the first photo was taken through my NEW window, all clear and non-wobbly, unlike the 100 year old leaded glass in all of the other windows. Compared to the old ones, the new window doesn't even look like it has glass in it.]

I hope you can see spring through your windows!!


1 paulette said...

Just got back from the pool....and NO it doesn't look like spring around here..more like a hot summer day. Now this is more like it!!
Take care!

2 Andrea C said...

Oh my goodness you have been busy! The doll quilts are exquisite - lucky you. And the irish chain quilt is lovely. I am now going to be thinking of my UFO's not as unfinished but as projects just waiting for the right home.

3 Amy Friend said...

Cherry blossoms and snow? Wow. We are getting lots of rain here and it is reaching the 40s now most days but I am not really feeling spring yet. The Irish chain quilt is looking great!

4 Lisa W. said...

I know winter has been so strange this year. It is supposed to be a really nice day on Sat. I hope so. Nice cheery quilt, definitely looks like spring. Glad you got your window fixed, that must have been awful to come home and find it broken. Talk to you later. :0)

5 Lenora said...

Wow!- you are so productive!