Monday, February 22, 2010

DQS8: prepare for take-off!

It's all done, bound, labeled and ready to go! I'm so excited to have been a part of the Doll Quilt Swap. I can hardly wait for the next round. I've met lots of friendly, funny and immensely talented quilters through this swap and the associated Flickr Group.


I can't tell you who this quilt is going to, but I will say it's leaving the country for a long trip that will not involve crossing any salty water. I made a little extra for my partner - one of my mini-label needle books (there's a tutorial in my sidebar if you'd like to make one for yourself or a stitchy friend!). I happen to have a photo of my needle books on a MOO card that is the perfect size for keeping the recipient's name a big fat secret - Mwahahahah.

I have recovered from the Canadian Men's hockey loss to the U.S. yesterday. I don't think I've yelled at the TV that loudly in a long time (I come by it honestly -- my Mom can really belt it out when watching hockey and I attended all of the Montreal Canadian's '66/'67 home games in utero!).

We're off to see the men's qualifying aerials in half an hour. GO Steve Omischl!!!!


1 paulette said...

I think you have just answered one of my questions!! Have a blast!!

2 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Lucky swapper to receive such a gift. The doll quilt looks good even from the back!
Your nature looks amazingly like ours; some of the scenery pictures could be from Anywhere, Norway. I did not know that!

3 Susan said...

Oh, how exciting, mailing it off! Now you get to wait for your lucky partner to say she got it and thank you all over the place for a real piece of art! And extra goodies, how fun! (Mine got delivered in TWO days, I was shocked.)

I'll see you at the potholder pass 2, Krista!!

4 Dianne said...

Krista I LOVE your label - how eggciting! I would be happy to recieve the label never mind the fabulous quilt! Your partner is very lucky indeed.

5 Vivian said...

Well I guess it's not coming up here!!!!
Fabulous package from what I can see. BTW, we're watching the hockey game right now...much better score so far.

6 Amy Friend said...

I love the label too! Whoever receives the quilt will be delighted. I have been wanting to join one of the DQ swaps but I get so nervous..."will he/she like it?"