Monday, April 13, 2015

A Supertote for Superknitter

Ever have that feeling that you're being watched? Ever since my Mom figured out how Instagram works, I've had to clean up my act, haha. When B and I travelled to Italy last fall and my parents stayed here to keep the kids alive, my mom was all like "hey, how can you see pictures of the trip?" to our kids.  A few days into our travels, I got a notification on my iphone home screen: SUPERKNITTER is now following you. I instantly knew it was my mom (after all, she is Superknitter) and I laughed. She loves that she can keep an eye on her kids and grandchildren now. It's super cute because she leaves very sweet comments on all of our photos.

MG Supertote by Poppyprint

I made her a Supertote a few years ago, but because she carries everything and a kitchen sink with her everywhere she goes, a new one was required. She and my dad cruise around in a classic white MG convertible (that she gave him for their 25 wedding anniversary, and in which he drove me down the driveway to my front yard wedding ceremony).  They are part of a fun MG club that has organized drives a few times per year to various small towns and car shows. For ages she's been searching for MG-themed fabric and finally someone designed one on Spoonflower!

MG Supertote by Poppyprint

Now Superknitter can knit in style at the show 'n shines. Did you know at the big rallies they not only give trophies for cars, but last year she won a crafting award for a gorgeous cross stitch she did of their car (I'll try and get a photo to share)?  I used fusible fleece for interfacing this time to give the tote extra body. I also top-stitched and stay-stitched the handles like crazy so they wouldn't rip away from the bag. Those kitchen sinks are heavy!

MG Supertote by Poppyprint

I thought I might as well have fun and included the measuring tape fabric so that the tote didn't become too car-ish. After all, it will contain everything from hand quilting to knitting to cross stitch at some point. I used darker linen this time to help keep the bottom of the bag from showing too much dirt as I know it has to travel on the floor of the car at Mom's feet.

MG Supertote by Poppyprint
I just put elasticized pockets on one side and regular pockets on the other.

This is truly a Super Tote and I've been lugging mine everywhere, including to QuiltCon, London and Inuvik! It holds a ton of stuff and is really comfortable to carry. If you'd like to make one, get the pattern from the lovely Anna Graham of Noodlehead here.


1 Heidi said...

What a wonderful tote . And how useful the measuring tape is already included... she can carry even more now ;-)

2 Rachel said...

I love my super tote too, it can carry so much stuff! And if you're traveling that top zipper makes everything feel so secure. I love that you found the perfect fabric for your mum!

3 cat and vee xoxo said...

Oh I love your Supertote! - well, SuperKnitter's Supertote. Great fabrics. My husband, Mum and Dad are now on instagram too - the registered so they could see my pics from QuiltCon - so there will now be no more posting pics of fabric purchases :-) Cat

4 Elsa said...

Your Mom sounds very sweet and you're a sweet daughter to make her such a lovely bag! Spoonflower is the best place to find fun fabric.
I've had this pattern for a while now ~ need to make it!

5 Dianne said...

Your Mom must be over the moon happy with this bag! I see more socks in your future ;0)

6 Teresa Duryea Wong said...

Love all the fabric choices, and what a sweet story!

7 Sew Create It - Jane said...

What a super bag! You did a great job and I love the fabrics!