Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cotton Floss Tour & Giveaway(s)!

Yippee! It's Cotton Floss day here at Poppyprint! Welcome to Natalie Lymer's book tour!

Cotton FLoss Book cover

When I read on her blog that Natalie was looking forward to her FIRST book coming out soon, I immediately got so excited to see what endearing little animals, elfin girls or faeries she would include in her new designs. Cotton Floss is indeed full to the brim with adorable stitchery designs that everyone can complete - all you need to know is neatly written in Natalie's trademark gentle way.

Cotton Floss image 4

With just a few simple embroidery stitches and a cohesive colour palette of reds, blues, brown, greens and neutrals, her sweet elfin folk will come to life from your needle and floss. For anyone who enjoys stitching for themselves, and for others, Cotton Floss is a gift-giving delight - I want to make every single project! In fact, I've already completed two sweet softies; read on to find out where they are headed....could it be to your house?

cotton floss image 10

There are two practical things about Cotton Floss that I immediately loved. First, the book is bound magazine-style with staples. This means it actually lies open and flat on your table, so tracing out the embroidery patterns is a breeze and you don't have to destroy your gorgeous book to do it! Secondly, I learned Natalie's trick for emphasizing design elements in her stitcheries: instead of using a whopping 6 strands of floss and a corresponding huge-eyed needle that would leave a big hole in your work, Natalie simply stitches a second row of backstitch adjacent to the first. Double row of stitching = Genius!

I've been reading Natalie's blog and stitching her designs for a couple of years now, so I was delighted to have the opportunity to ask her some questions for the tour!

Poppyprint: What came first for you, embroidery or patchwork? Most of your stand alone patterns involve both to beautiful effect, do you enjoy both equally?

Natalie: The patchwork came first, it wasn’t until a few years later I discovered embroidery. I do enjoy both but love that I can take my embroidery anywhere and stitch on the couch in the evenings, I also find embroidery has a way of relaxing and calming the mind – perfect after a busy day.

Poppyprint: In your introduction to Cotton Floss, you share that the word 'enchanted' was your backdrop for the book's design elements. Do you always work this way - establishing an inspirational word to guide you in your designs?

Natalie: It depends on the design, sometimes just one word can be too restricting other times it just fits perfectly. Working on a bigger project like Cotton Floss I found one word helped me focus on the design process.

Book tour image 5

Poppyprint: Your stitchery projects involve the most charming and unique characters from faeries to mice. I'd love to know more about where they come from; are they images from your childhood? Have you been drawing them for years, or created them especially to suit your stitchery stories?

Natalie: I create the characters especially to suit my stitchery stories, this is the process I love the most. It’s just my imagination, the pencil and blank paper. I often spend the evening focusing on one character, drawing and re-drawing until they are just right. While I am sketching I wonder what the little elfin girls are thinking or who they are talking to – this almost always leads to more sketching and so the story begins.

Poppyprint: You are in good company in Australia with several very talented stitchery designers. What do you think it is about Oz that fuels all of this beautiful handwork?

Natalie: We do have some amazing designers here in Australia and we all have our own unique style which I love. I have no idea what it is about Oz that fuels the creativity....maybe it’s in the water :)

Poppyprint: Your blog post describing the photography shoot (of projects for the book) with your daughter and mother was very sweet. Tell us more about these very special women in your life and their influence on your work.

Natalie: I am very blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my mother and daughter, we are like peas in a pod – best friends. The birth of my daughter has shone a new light on my sketching like I am looking at things with new eyes - if that makes sense, I find so many of my ideas are influenced by her and the things we experience together.

Poppyprint: What is next on the horizon for Natalie Lymer? Might we be 'enchanted' by a Cinderberry Stitches fabric line soon?

Natalie: I am always working on something new, at the moment I am sketching new embroidery designs which I can’t yet reveal but I sure hope you love! I am also currently working with the amazing team at Lecien on my first line of fabric called ‘Woodland’ being launched at 2011 Fall Quilt Market – so today I find myself surrounded with fabric strike off’s a process which still amazes me.

I knew it! I just knew it (well, I wished for it, actually). I can't wait to see Woodland and meet Natalie's new characters printed on cotton!

Book tour image 7

Stella, Henry and family, from Cotton Floss

Stella and Henry were instant favourites with me the minute I opened Cotton Floss. I've stitched up a sweet pair just for one of you! That's right, not only do you have an opportunity to win a signed copy of Cotton Floss, but a second reader will also win my versions (below) of Stella and Henry ('specially made for you using some Poppyprinted Essex linen!).

Henry & Bella by Poppyprint Henry & Stella by Poppyprint

Please leave one comment and be sure I can contact you via email. I'll choose two winners (first for the book, second for Stella and Henry) using the random number generator on Sunday, June 19th at 9:00 p.m. PST. {ETA: comments are now closed for the giveaway}

Don't forget to follow along the tour for more opportunities to win a copy of Cotton Floss and be inspired by Natalie's creative vision. Here's the list of super fabulous gals hosting Natalie this week:

Stop 1 - Monica - Happy Zombie

Stop 2 - Amanda - Amanda Brooke

14th Pam - Pam Kitty Morning

15th Sarah - The Last Piece

16th Krista - Poppyprint

17th Bari - Bari J

18th Shari - Doohickey Design Studio

19th Paige - Paige Hill

Natalie, thank you for sharing your sweet book and for visiting with us here at Poppyprint! Congratulations and much success to you!

~Krista xx


Mariska van der Heide said...

Just love the designs of Natalie. It just makes me happy. All these bright colours combined with those lovely characters. I'm in love!!!!
Dear greetings from the Netherlands.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Looks like a wondeful book! Please put my name in the hat!

Pepe said...

Thankyou for the chance and for interwew to Natalie. My mail is in my profile! Have a nice, creativ day! :)

Gill said...

Fabulous interview - Thank you!
I love Stella and Henry
Count me in please!

Donna said...

Stella and Henry are adorable!

Kathy said...

Adorable projects! I'm all in!

Tiffany said...

Oooo cute book and cute owls! :)

Patty C. said...

Oh I would love a chance to win this book -The colors are so vibrant & the patterns are fantastic !!!!

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you asked about Australian stitchery. I've wondered about that. I lived in western Australia for 3years as a girl and in grade 8 a sewing class was required. I went to 4 US high schools after that and none of them even had sewing classes! But that may be a reflection of the culture not a cause.

carol said...

Natalie has always been one of my favorite stitchery artists too! I must get that ook!

Simone de Klerk said...

So very nice, to get to know more about Natalie. Such a talented woman! I never realized she had actual stitchery stories, which come before creating. That's probably why it all goes together so well and makes you dream away.
Your owl family is very cute!

Beth said...

Book looks great - would love love love to win a copy. And your owls look adorable!

Debbie said...

Natalie's book is fantastic, I sure would like to win a copy. Your Owl's are divine as well. Natalie is a very talented lady and I love her work.

Amy Friend said...

The book looks like a lot of fun. I haven't done a lot of embroidery (since my cross stitch days at least!) so this would give me a little push. As for the owls, well, how about whipping up one more if I win because there will be trouble here otherwise ;)

♥Duff said...

Some people are so creative and talented it just floors me--I can feel Natalie Lymer's sense of fun yet quiet reserve through her characters and designs. Amazing!

Mystica said...

Both giveaways are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.


Martina said...

Thanks so much! Love the pictures! Looks like a great book!

Pat said...

Love the Owls and the book :0)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Oriel said...

Thanks for the interesting interview and for the chance to be a winner. I am an Aussie/Kiwi currently on holiday enjoying your beautiful country with my daughter in Montreal.

Anonymous said...

this looks like so much fuN!

Anonymous said...

wow thank you !!

quilary said...

Wow I have something in common with Natalie - I started with quilting and have come to love putting a bit of embroidery on my quilts, although I have a long way to go to have my embroidery look like hers! Thanks for the chance :)

Anonymous said...

thankyou very much for a chance to win one of these lovely prizes,i love Natalie's work

Needled Mom said...

Oh my goodness, but those designs are sooo cute. I can't wait to see the book.

Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

The more I read the more I MUST have this book! Double row of stitching, eh? I really hope I win - and your Stella and Henry are adorable!

Katie B said...

Very cool! I need to check out this book.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Ohh owls, let me think, do I like those? xx

aztel2000 said...

I want this book--it's adorable!!
Karen in Breezy Point

drmithome said...

This book Is so cute. I ordered Natalie's Flat Nat patterns yesterday, after seeing her beautiful work this week.

Amy said...

This book looks so great and your little owls are super cute too.

Anonymous said...

This tour has been so fun! Even if I do not win, I feel a winner just from discovering some new and lovely blogs!!! The interview with Natalie was wonderful...thanks! And thanks for the chance to win the book or the darling owls!!

Julie said...

Very interesting interview. I have often wondered if creativity was bottled in the water "down under". Your owls are darling!

Mama Spark said...

Interesting interview. I love Natalie's work. Sign me up for your amazing giveaway. I would be happy to win either thing!!

Stephanie said...

Great post. I love these owls. I need that book. ;)

Miss Jean said...

Oh, goodness! A chance to win the book and ruler AND a chance to win Stella and Henry! How cool is that!?!

Anonymous said...


Syd said...

I love your owls!! What a fun interview, thanks for sharing and this chance to win!!

Char said...

I love embroidery, I've been hooked since I was a teenager!

Andrea C said...

Stella & Henry are fantastic and it looks like a great book. I love her stitcheries...if only I could finish one ;0)

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Thanks for the the owls

Laila said...

A book from a great designer - WOW...
Please add my name in the hat.
I wish I could have been with you all. :-)

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the blog book tour stop and interview - interesting on the double row of stitching for embroidery - please enter me into the drawing -- like your owls
alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

FloS said...

Hello ! I 'm glad to follow Natalie's book tour and discover your blog !
I'll be so happy to win a copy of "Cotton Flos" or your two lovely owls !!

Anne-Marie said...

If I don't win this book - it is going on my next book to buy list! I really love Natalie's whimsy and think we all need a little bit more of it in our lives! Now as for Stella and Henry, they would be a wonderful addition to our household and our summer adventures!

Ramona said...

This book looks so wonderful. It is on my wish list for sure. I love your versions of Stella and Henry. Thanks for the great opportunity to win the book or the owls.

ramona_murray at comcast dot net

Catskill Quilter said...

These designs are adorable, and I too think they would make fabulous gifts!

Barb said...

Stella and Henry are so precious! They would be well loved in our house, I promise. YOu are so generous to give them away. Now I'll I have to do is learn how to embroider!

Deb said...

how very very cute!! I'd love to win them. Or the book. I've really enjoyed the book tour and especially have enjoyed your blog today. Thanks!

Chiska said...

Krista, you introduce me to the most amazing things. Thanks! What a gorgeous book!

Lindsay Conner said...

This book looks too cute! thanks for sharing :)

Karyn said...

I'm eagerly following the blogs and reading the interviews. I am totally IN LOVE with her designs! (Maybe because I have a new little girl myself)! I must have a copy of this book!

Sarah said...

Great questions. Thanks for the chance to win!

Christine M said...

Great interview. Everything looks so lovely in Natalie's book.

loralie said...

such cute projects!

slmartin at vtc dot net

Anonymous said...

I'm always up for more inspiration! corvus.melloriATgmailDOTcom

Lee said...

I love her work! thanks for the giveway.

Happy Mama said...

What a brilliant interview, Krista!

Manda said...

Book looks great! And I love stella & henry!

Jeanne Gwin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful.....thanking you for sharing and for the opportunity to win!!! Nurse Payne

Kathy H said...

I have been following the hop to see such cute embroidery. I love it and the owls are just so cute. Thanks for the chance.

ptmemaw said...

Your Stella & Henry are divine! I have followed Natalie for years and appreciate the chance to win her book! Can't wait to get my hands on it...

hueisei said...

Thanks for the chance!!
I am following the book tour...
Loves the lovely book - The colors are so so so sweet & the patterns are cute !!!!

scarlette hobbs said...

Man, i surely would like a copy of that there book. it looks wonderful. scarlette

Catherine said...

I Just love Natalies style,so gorgeous & sweet...Please pop me in the draw..what a great giveaway..
Hugs Catherine :)

PinkGranny said...

What a sweet sweet quilt with enchanting little characters. I have been enjoying a revival of hand stitching too and it just feels soothing to slow down with the needle in my hand. I love Natalie's designs!

Genevieve P said...

I love Natalie's designs--I can't wait to see her book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Little Creatable said...

I more I see the more I want this book!

Lgshazza said...

Great interview. Cant waif to c her fabric;)

BrittanyGale said...

I so want this. Thanks for the giveaway

Kari said...

So cute! I'd love the chance to win.

Julia said...

The book is just so cute

Nancy L said...

Great interview and I do think those owls are adorable. I'd love that a friend won too ; ).

susiloci said...

Que trabajo tan maravilloso, me encanta!!!

Ancret Shipton said...

Hi Krista,
I love Natalie's book, I was fortunate enough to win my own signed copy already, but I needed to comment after reading your profile!!! I too am a geologist by training, wife, mother and quilter by choice... I haven't met any others before you, so I just had to say something! Also your profile of interests reads a lot like mine, camping, hiking, photography, travel... probably goes with the geological background..??
Take care
Ancret Shipton.

meli B said...

Looks like a great book and a little different from the usual so thanks for letting me put my hand up.

Vicki ♥ said...

I have always loved Natalies designs and this new book I am sure wont dissapoint. What you have shown so far it looks great :) Thanks for a great read and show and tell. Hugs Vicki

Anonymous said...

splendous book, would love to have a copy

Mindy said...

What precious designs! Just what I need to get me back to stitching!

Wendy said...

Such beautiful designs. Just reading this post made me want to go home and embroider!

Unknown said...

Okay. That's it. It ends here. With me. I'm the winner I can feel it!!!

Cathy said...

Such a great looking book!!

domestiCass said...

Awww...I love all the fairies! I would like to win this book. It looks like so much fun. I did embroidery before I started quilting and seeing all of these pictures is making think it's time to start another The owls are totally adorable too!

Poppyprint said...

Good Morning:

5 times I have tried to be your 82nd comment. I have previewed and posted and cannot get your blogger to accept my comment. I even joined as a Follower to see if that would help.

I do have a Google Account but I do not have my own blog. I have no idea why I cannot get my name accepted.

I SO would love to be in on the possible winning of Natalie's darling book.

Help please. Can you silently sign me in too? I don't know what to do.

Ladybug said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

The Hungry Crafter said...

Wow, this book looks awesome! Hope they release it here in the US too!

bronwen said...

LOVE!! Thanks for mentioning your giveaway at last night's mtg, Krista!!

Tina H. said...

I'd love to win!

Scarlette Hobbs said...

Wow, the more i see of the book, the more i love it. Those little embroideried mushroom houses in rows in the little quit are just the cutest things. scarlette

What Comes Next? said...

Looks like a fabulous book, and I love Henry and Stella!

Janet said...

Great looking book!

MoeWest said...

I love the stitchery pictured in your post. Thanks for the chance to win.

Amanda said...

I love these designs! Can't wait for the fabric! Thanks for the giveaway--love Henry and Stella!

Cindy Sews said...

Cotton Floss looks great!!! I love hand stitching. We need to keep the craft going! Everyone needs to do some hand

Anonymous said...

What adorable little creatures! And the embroidery work is beautiful.

Susie said...

You do bring us such loveliness, Krista! The owls are darling, and the interview very insightful. Thanks for sharing. :)

Pat said...

Cotton Floss looks amazing and how cute are those little owls! thanks for the chance to win.

rosewendy said...

What beautiful embroidered drawings!

Deb said...

If you think they are cute in the picture, you should see them in person! Adorable. Please put me in! Deb Thanks so much! I still love the little mitt that I won at the Vancouver Modern Christmas meeting. When it came time to put the Christmas things away, I stuck it to my peg board in my sewing room! Everytime I look at it, it reminds me of what fun we had and what fun I had at your retreat at Lion's Bay!

hilary said...

I love embroidery. Great book. thank you

Cat said...

The designs look great. Thanks for the opportunity to share in the designs.

ElfRenee said...

Looks great, I love the mushrooms!

rilojane said...

Yes yes yes!! They MUST be on their way to my house! I'm so enjoying this tour. And falling in love with this book every click of the way.

Janelle said...

Natalie's book is so cute and inspiring! Love the look of it. Cute owls!

charlotte said...

Stella and Henry are so cute. This looks like an amazing book.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Cotton Floss has to be at the TOP of the list of books I covet right now!

Sandy said...

What a great book! Thanks for the opportunity to win!=) said...

thanks for mentioning the book giveaway the other night at the meeting. it's was my first time to the meeting and the energy in that room that night was unbelievable. looking forward to being an 'official' member of the guild.

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

Hi Krista,

I have loved nat's designs for a long time. That quilt looks divine...yhe more I see of this book, the more I would love to have it :)
I, too, look forward to seeing her first fabric range

Hugs, Sharon

Jeanne Gwin said...

I foresee that if this book has not sold out and in to reprint already, it soon will be. Oz may very well have America stitching again. Thank you Nat for writing and sharing with all of us your great imagination and designs. Krista, that was an awesome interview. Thank you for hosting today.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through QH. Also from BC I had to check it out and wow you interviewed my fave designer! Can't wait to hear more from you and see Nat's book. Am presently stitching & quilting Tail Feathers! Embroidery is great for working on out on the deck in the summer!

Count me in too!


Mhairi said...

I would love to win a copy of this book although my two children who are obsessed with owls would prefer the owls as I don't have much time to sew at the moment. And I promised the younger one an owl a month ago.
Thanks for sharing.

Linda in PA said...

This book looks great and Stella and Henry are adorable!

MiezelBags said...

I love these owls!!!

Vesuviusmama said...

I am loving this book!

phigginb said...

Very cute designs! I wonder at peoples imagination. My email is Thanks