Monday, May 2, 2016

Quilting My Own Stories

I've been having a little too much fun with my stash lately. If you follow along on Instagram, then you know that there are some crazy little stories coming from my crazy little brain, all based on fabrics from my stash.

My longtime blogging pal (who I finally got to meet in person at Quilt Market last spring!) Amy Friend has finally published a book. I say finally because Amy has many devoted followers that love her original paper piecing patterns and amazing quilt designs.  We've been wondering for years when she'd put a collection together into a book for us.  Intentional Piecing is the exact book you'd imagine from her; fussy cutting for fun and fabulous projects with lots of attention to detail and amazing tips for success! Get 30% off your book purchase from Lucky Spool with code FRIEND30!

Amy is hosting the Tell Me a Story Quilt contest   Until June 1st, anyone can make a story quilt block (pattern is in the book) and share it on IG using the hashtag #tellmeastoryquilt for a chance to win a spectacular bundle of fussy-cuttable fabric sponsored by Sew Me a Song 

 To celebrate the book launch, Amy asked some friends to play along and make a block, so you may have seen some pop up on your favourite blogs already. You may already know that foundation paper piecing is not my go-to quilting technique.  Sure, I love the accuracy and detailed pictures you can create, but I just don't have the patience for the fussy business, tiny pieces and all of those seams. That is why the story block is perfect for me! I love that Amy has pre-cutting instructions for all of the pieces required for the block (very little fabric waste is my jam).  I intended to humour Amy by making a block, but once I started pulling fabric, looking for just the right combinations to tell a story, I couldn't stop! Soon I had a pile of fabric on my cutting board and so many stories swirling around in my head that I was feeling a little manic. I had to start sewing.

I've sewn so many blocks and made up so many stories that I think I'll spread out my posts over the week to keep you entertained. To start us off, I'll share the block that I made just for Amy. Years ago she gifted me a small linen panel that she's screen printed with the cutest little houses and trees. If you've been following her for any length of time then you know that she's an avid gardener and has a very special French garden plot in her back yard (that I admire greatly).  So here is Amy's House, made with her screen print and a precious scrap of Farmdale floral that I covet:

Tell Me a Story Quilt Blocks by Poppyprint


1 Judy Ann said...

That is the perfect block for Amy! I've followed your blocks and stories on IG and have been well entertained. :-)

2 Sandi said...

Loving the stories that you've created with your blocks and would love to hear more about the ones that you can't publish on social media!

3 Elsa said...

I've read some of those stories about the blocks you've made ~ some are hilarious! Can't wait to get my book, love Amy's patterns!