It was a lovely sunny afternoon and a few of the Board members took me to see the exhibit before the large bus tour of guild members descended on the place. Anna-Greta Lindstrom displayed several of her art quilt wall hangings and had this gorgeous watercolour quilt hung at the end of the greenhouse. This quilt was on display at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham (perhaps last year?) and with the sun shining behind it, the quilt took on the appearance of a stained glass window.

To celebrate a milestone birthday, Anna-Greta was selling lottery tickets for a chance to win one of 5 wallhangings she's made over the years. All of the money raised would go to Medicines Sans Frontiers - I thought this was a brilliant idea, so I bought a ticket. She promised to post a quilt to Canada if I won. Well, guess what?! I won! I don't have a photo of the quilt yet, but I'll share it when we get some light here and I can take a decent photograph. Here are two of her other creations that were on display:

"Energin Kommer Inifrån" I love the fun Kaffe Fassett swirls overlaid on the solid grid background

Here is a great example of batik playing nicely with printed cottons in a beautiful forest abstraction.

Sweet stitched details and applique from the quilt above.
I took an opportunity to walk the property, look in the garden shop and take some photos from the working greenhouse, which was by now winding down for autumn.

This country estate was next door to the Nut House, but I couldn't find out any information - I was curious how old the home was, but the two properties are not linked according to the woman working in the greenhouse that day.
I've almost caught up and completed my Sweden posts, but the stories of my trip to the north, as well as photos from my workshops, are still to come. Plus, you still have to see the beautiful quilt my new friends gifted me!!
Lucky duck...seriously...you WON??? That's amazing... Congratulations... Anna-Gretas quilt hung this year at Festival of Quilts... I saw it :0)
It's fantastic...
What beautiful pictures! And what an adventure.
Looks lie you've been having some fun! And, then to win a quilt ~ lucky you! I especially like that first one with the swirls ~ the light it's holding makes me think of all the leaves in their fall colors!
Awesome - thanks for sharing the photos!
:) How fun! So much quilty company and activities!! Both of the small quilts you showed are simply wonderful...I can't wait to see what you've won :)
Seriously, we need to travel together! I have got some good arm/shoulder muscles for carrying bags! :)
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