Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Creativity - the Husband Edition

Christmas is the usually the only time of year that my husband B is able to carve out some creative time from his super demanding day job.  Every year we wonder if he'll be able to pull off another original design and get 150 cards screened in time and every year by some holiday miracle he succeeds. It is very important to him to continue a family tradition started in 1947 by his father (to read a more involved post about his process, check this out). This year he perfected the photo-emulsion technique that had eluded him in the past (thanks to a knowledgeable hipster at the art supply store). This is very happy news for me, because no harsh chemicals are needed to clean the screens, so I can breathe easy at silk screen time now!

Christmas card 2014: Our fireplace nook, complete with a lounging Flynn

B started his own tradition last year by writing everyone in the family a personal poem about their year (completed with beer or wine accompaniment on Christmas Eve). Read last year's poem about me here. Luckily his sister is even more prolific in the poetry department, so she writes one for him in return. I'll share this year's rhymes with you by way of giving you some pretty straightforward hints of the exciting year I have ahead of me. There is a lot of travel scheduled for 2015 and I couldn't be more excited....

 Back in the early 2000s
Bryan travelled on too many trips
It led in a roundabout way
To krista sewing up strips.

From the early days piecing log cabins
And other traditional blocks
Quilting gave Krista an outlet
More engaging than looking at rocks.

Fast forward to 2014,
Krista's hobby's a full blown career
With a glossy new book coming out
And trip to Loon Lake every year.

We know that her students love her
And retreaters would kill for a spot
To work on one of her patterns
With fabric that's cotton, and shot.

But of late there's another dimension
To the growing mystique of P-Print
She is going to travel the world
Due to an improvisational stint.

The offers are coming in fast
From the north and the east and on water
When she swings through our town the next time
We'll be lucky even to spot her.

What is it about this technique?
One might think it is just a glue trick
The Swedes from Uppsala know better
As does the Guild Inuvik.

Through it all you have family behind you
Though your fame may go up and down
I will always setup your tables
As long as retreats are in town.

I hope that you enjoyed your Christmas holiday surrounded by loving family or kind friends in front of a warm fire. All the best to you from our cozy blue cottage.

Blue Cottage Christmas 2014


1 paulette said...

Looks like you're not the only one with talent in the family!! Love the poem..and so true!!
Have a wonderful New Year!!

2 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Such a clever husband; another gorgeous card. I'm so excited for you for this year, I really can't wait to read about all your adventures. Don't forget your camera as we all want to receive regular updates! Your Happy New Year looks guaranteed!

3 Live a Colorful Life said...

So exciting! I hope I can buy you a glass of wine in TX, even if you have to gulp it on the run :)

4 Unknown said...

That is so awesome. Big kudos to Brian for both the poem and card (loved mine!). I love that he is carrying on this family tradition.

5 karen said...

what a dear husband you have!

6 said...

That is so special. You can tell how proud he is of you and his card design is beautiful.

7 Audrey said...

Krista, this is delightful! And a good reminder that craft and artistry come from the heart and take a serious investment of time. Well done, both of you!

8 Barbara B said...

Good morning Krista. Loved the card image, you sharing a little of B with us. The poem sums it up very nicely. Liked especially the line about setting the tables up. I'm counting on getting to a QBTB day.

9 Leanne said...

I adore the card, and the poem is wonderful too. I am so glad you are having a wonderful holiday and have such a fun year planned.

10 LethargicLass said...

my brother and his family live in Inuvik :)

11 Dianne said...

Love the card and Bryan's annual poetic ode to his lovely wife. 2015 is going to be a whirlwind of fun and adventure!!

12 Holly said...

Fantastic card and poem! Wow, 147 cards is seriously impressive in this day and age. I wonder if you can make it 148 next year? ;)

Anonymous said...

I love that your husband gets to play creatively as well and seriously impressive (way better then the naughty limericks my husband and I used to write for each other-Ha!). Big congrats on your book. Can't wait to buy one. Cheers.


14 Katy Cameron said...

Love both the card and the poem, hope you have a fab 2015 :o)

15 Catherine said...

Brilliant poem

16 Elsa said...

Love the card design and the poem!
Will you be coming to Portland? I hope so ~ would love to finally meet you!

17 Christina said...

Your husband is so sweet with those poems❤️ and the card is adorable!! Fantastic traditions.