Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sewing Space - the Details

The gals at Mad About Patchwork have started their great Sew Canadian blog tour of sewing spaces and I'm up first! You get a peek at how some of your fav Canuck bloggers have set themselves up to sew, and there is the bonus fun interview with everyone as well. I can tell you that I'm most curious about what everyone has named their sewing machines...and also what people listen to or watch while they sew.

Sew Canadian 

There is a linky for you to join in the fun and post photos of YOUR sewing space and everyone who shares will be entered to win a wonderful prize!

Poppyprint Headquarters - labelled
click on the photo if you need to see it larger in Flickr

I thought it would be fun to share a few more details here, in addition to my post on the tour.  I've added text labels to a couple of my photos to give you a better idea of just where everything goes.  I did tidy for these photos, people. Plus, I still have crap hanging out in the basement from when I swapped rooms with my daughter  a year and a half ago. I Just. Can't. Fit. It. All. into this 9' x 8' room with no closet. I'm not complaining because I feel extremely fortunate to have a room of my own in our relatively small home - I just want you to know that you're seeing the glamour version here.

Poppyprint Headquarters - labelled

A bit more info that's not labelled:
  • There are 4 interlocking industrial felt flooring tiles (purchased at the hardware store) under my rolling chair.
  • The table is an IKEA dining table with both leaves pulled out purchased in the "As Is" department due to some mystery scratch that we couldn't find.
  • The 9' wall opposite the window is covered in two 4'-wide, 6' high insulation boards wrapped in batting that I nailed right into the drywall with 2" nails. This is my design wall and I am in love with it.

Poppyprint Headquarters
Yes, that's a chandelier! It's leftover from this being D's bedroom, but I can't think of a good reason to change it out for a different fixture, so it's staying.
  • The ceiling is vaulted on a slope (we have a 12-12 roofline, very steep!), so I have some high up wall space perfect for displaying minis I have received in swaps, or made myself.
  • Behind my rolling Stanley cart on the bottom shelf is my Go!Baby and dies.
  • While I have that big thread rack, there are also two boxes of thread stacked on top of the plastic drawer unit that holds my scraps.
  • I love saving and displaying cute postcards, business cards and notes from friends on my windowsill, or stuck on my wall with washi tape.
I love my little sewing room and I'm happy to share it with you! Feel free to ask me if you're still curious about anything.

Here's the schedule of sewing rooms to see:
July 6th – Patti @Retired to Quilt and Krista @Poppyprint
July 13th – Dominique @The Running Thimble and Cinzia @Deux Petites Souris
July 20th – Anita @Daydreams of Quilts and Lorna @Sew Fresh Quilts
July 27th – Shena @Apple Pie Patchwork and Katherine @Sew Me Something Good
August 3rd – Felicity @Felicity Quilts and Josee @The Charming Needle
August 10th – Janet @What Comes Next and M-R @Quilt Matters
August 17th – Erica @Happy Fabric, Jacqui @Treadle Quilts and Adrienne @Chezzetcook Modern Quilts
August 24th – Leanne @She Can Quilt and Jaclyn @Jaclyn Quilts
August 31st – Pam @Mad About Patchwork and Laura @Waffle Kisses


1 M-R Charbonneau said...

So cool! I love how you organized your FQs -- that one's been stumping me for some time. What do you keep in your Stanley tool kit?

2 Leanne said...

You have a beautiful space and it is so well organized too. I love the window and the chandelier.

3 Sharon E said...

Wow, I love it. Sure beats showing at the kitchen table! Thanks for all the ideas to enhance my room. Happy Sewing-

4 Lysa said...

So impressive! The amount of light that pours into your room, the design wall! Drool!

5 paulette said... your sewing space! All that natural light, all that lovely fabric...and then THAT chandelier!! Heaven!! I bet you never want to leave!!
Thanks for the tour!

6 Anita said...

What a great space! I love the big window and the vaulted ceiling. And so much beautiful fabric. It's wonderful. :)

7 Debbie said...

Very fun to see your space! Was the dining table a good height for your machine?

8 Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Your sewing room is lovely. You have made the most of a small room and I love the chandelier!

9 Ann said...

Hey we have the same sewing machine!

10 karen @ badlandsquilts said...

LOVE the window...looks like you in a tree house looking out!

11 Heather @ Winding Bobbins said...

Awesome!! And yay, I see my mini! :)

12 Audrey said...

What a wonderful studio. I wish mine was as organized. My summer project?? I am sure this summer tour hosted by Mad about Patchwork will be the inspiration I need to finish the organization I have started. Thanks for sharing.

13 What Comes Next? said...

such a wonderful bright sunny room - I'd never want to leave it! Love the glamour version! (goes completely with that chandelier)

14 said...

this is a great space. You have really made efficient use of your space.

15 Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Great window! I bet it adds such nice light to your sewing room. The vaulted ceiling helps to make the room feel larger...and gives you such nice display space :o)My sewing room is also about 8'x9'...I call it cozy!

16 Lisa J. said...

This is a lovely sewing space. I too love the natural light that shines through your large window. Everything looks so bright and organized.

17 sherry said...

you have organized that tight little space well…but mostly i love that 12 foot wall and your large window…so bright and warm in there

18 Adrienne said...

Your space is awesome. I need a chandelier!

19 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

What a gorgeous, colour-filled room. And you know how much I love chandeliers so you have my vote. I'm surprised there are only 2 x 241 bags hanging up there...I thought you'd have at least 15!

20 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
21 karen said...

lovely so lovely

22 Carla said...

The high ceilings must be awesome! Your room is lovely. I know all about trying to fit it in. One of my sons found a basket of fabric under his bed the other day. Really? How'd that get there.....

23 MariQuilts said...

Looks great, Krista.....everything looks so well organized and cheerful!!

24 Unknown said...

Looks great. Mine is far too messy to post. I admire your quality control!

25 verykerryberry said...

Wonderful! Very nicely organised

26 Elsa said...

What a lovely space you have to be creative in ~ especially love your design wall and that pretty pink flower!

27 Jenny said...

very inviting place to sew Krista. i just moved into a new sewing room...not of bugs to work out...

28 Lorna McMahon said...

So nice to meet you! Love your quilting area.... Especially those lovely big windows. Thanks for letting us take a peek into your sewing space!

29 Pat V. said...

I love how you labeled everything in the photo. You certainly make the most out of your space. I will definitely be incorporating some of your ideas if my daughter ever moves out and I get the 10 x 13 foot bedroom!

30 Danielle said...

Always love seeing pics of your sewing room when you share them occasionally on IG - great to see some more details! Love your fabric organisation and your mini display - what a bonus having the extra wall space!

31 Janet said...

Wow! You have a beautiful collection of fabric!

32 pennydog said...

I have stash envy!

33 Bearpawquilter said...

You have such a great space to sew in, Krista. I have a similar high wall but there is a table in front of it. My design wall is in the hallway. My window looks out on the bay and I occasionally see whales spouting. Aren't you concerned about your thread fading in the bright light? N

34 Katy Cameron said...

I just love that you have a chandelier in there!

35 Jill said...

You have made efficient use of your limited space. Fabric is neat and tidy. I am slowly working on reorganizing my space. Thanks for the labeling.

36 Sew Sisters Quilt Shop said...

That's an amazing sewing room!

37 Live a Colorful Life said...

That chandelier is the best! I adore your creative space.