Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nice Threads!

Fat Quarterly Issue 8 launched today, so I can show you my fun new memory quilt.  If you're wondering why things have been so sparse here at Poppyprint since Christmas, it is because much of what I've been working has been under wraps. Lucky for all of us, it's sharing time!

Nice Threads by Poppyprint

I just love Fat Quarterly, so when the gang asked if I'd like to be part of their designer Spool Block challenge for Issue 8, I couldn't refuse (this is that special kind of 'working for free as long as it's for friends' stuff).  I think BrioniJohn, Katy, Lynne and Tacha do an amazing job with their online magazine. You can't find a book's worth of project ideas for the price of one quilt pattern anywhere else!  The other Spool Block designers rocked this challenge and there are several very cool interpretations of the traditional block for you to try.

After making these quilts for K2 and K3 in November, I planned to create one for myself exactly like this 4-block layout.  It's my quilter's memory quilt and includes selvages of all my fav designer fabric purchased, stashed and (ahem) maybe even used, in the last couple of years.

Nice Threads by Poppyprint

You'll find the tutorial for creating one giant selvage spool block in Issue 8. It is super easy and fun; they sew up really fast because the selvages are simply top-stitched onto a muslin base.  I grouped cool-coloured  selvages into their own variegated thread spools and pieced warm backgrounds of Essex Linen orange and Pure Organics Maize. The warm-coloured thread spools have an unknown aqua linen and Essex Linen lime backgrounds.  The whole she-bang is bound in an Echo print by Lotta Jansdotter (purchased at the divine Marmalade Fabrics), and the quilt's name "Nice Threads" is ripped off from the Alexander Henry print on the backing (rows and rows of colourful thread spools on a white background).

Nice Threads! by Poppyprint
I think this grey spool is my fav

All of the spool ends are made with Rouenneries selvages. I have about 6m of the Rouenneries linen-look print stashed and happily cut off the gorgeous selvage for various projects. It's too pretty not to use!  Each spool has some hand-done running stitches around it with perle 8 cotton.

So, if you're not yet a subscriber, head on over to Fat Quarterly to buy your copy of Issue 8 on January 30th. You won't be sorry and I bet you'll want to make everything in it!

And now, just for Happy Zombie Monica, my favorite little quilt zombie:

Nice Threads by Poppyprint

More surprises coming soon!


Amy Friend said...

It turned out wonderfully Krista! Did you say that you are hanging this one in your house? The last picture is great :)

Katie B said...

Well, this is just awesome. And this is the second project I've seen today from the new issue that I'd love to make!

Lisa ONeill said...

I love your use of selvedges - the first selvedge quilt I really like - perfect!

carol said...

Bravo! It turned out marvelously!

Kati said...

I love this idea! I have been saving selvages for a while without a plan. This turned out so fun. Congrats on the pattern.

What Comes Next? said...

this, to me, is the pefect use for selvages! Can't wait to go through my Fat Quarterly and see all the new projects

Kristie said...

Very cute, Krista :)

Dianne said...

Congrats on another project published Krista! Love this project and please tell D I LOVE her wellies!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats Krista, you've created such a lovely selvage design for Fat Quarterly. They must be pleased with you eh?

pinksuedeshoe said...

Look at you! Congrats!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on a great project Krista. I'll be watching for more.

Leanne said...

That's a fun project, congratulations!

PinkGranny said...

Great job Krista! It turned out so well. I like the look of these selvages and I started a collection in a mason jar when I first got a glimpse of one of your earlier projects. Way to go!

Pétra said...

Congratulations!! I love how you used the selvages such a great idea.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Fantastic! Can't wait to check it out later xxx

Unknown said...

Fantastic, what a super panel and a great way to use those selvages.
I bet there are lots of us wishing we hadn't thrown them away in past years now ;o)

Unknown said...

That is so (sew) amazing. I love it.

verykerryberry said...

Just love those background solids against the scrappy selvedge spools- great project Krista!

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations Krista with this wonderful quilt. Aren’t those designer challenges fun? Can’t wait for my #8 issue!!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Congratulations, Krista, this is such an awesome little quilt!! I love it :)

goletagirlwendy said...

Very cute quilts. Great idea!

Laura said...

Your Mini is so cute.

Gayle said...

Krista - no one commented on your boots!! Darling too!!- I am going to start one of these for my quilt room - it's a perfect keepsake for the quilts that fly (or at least pass) through this room.

Lysa said...

The quilt is so fanatic but I especially love the portrait of the quilter(and the orange boots!) So Awesome!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Well you have to know that I am obsessed with your spool blocks. I mean, hey! Done with selvages? In.Love....

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

I have to admit I have been a bit curious about what's going on in Poppyland these days, and now I know. Lovely spools, lovely pears! Congratulations, Krista!!

Terri said...

Squee, I can;t wait to get this issue :) you are so creative my friend!