Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Une autre Tour Eiffel

My niece's 10th birthday is this weekend. Continuing on the Eiffel tower theme of her last few birthday presents, I put keyka-lou's camera wristlet together for her. The original size seemed rather small, barely fitting an iphone, so I enlarged the pattern pieces to 115% on my printer. Not that my elementary-school-aged niece has an iphone. But lipgloss and a wallet take up space!

Camera Wristlet by Poppyprint

Why are Japanese fabric designers are so obsessed with Paris and all things French? Does anybody know? I mean, we have a perfectly good (and much taller) CN Tower here in Canada and you just don't see that on linen.

Camera Wristlet by Poppyprint

I decided things were a little dull with my green and natural linen colour-scheme, so I got out my Presencia perle 8 and did a blanket stitch trim around the flap instead of a simple machine top stitch. Next time I make this with linen, I'll skip the interfacing. The lining has a fusible batting attached to it's wrong side and it seems to give the pouch plenty of structure without having to interface the linen.

Camera Wristlet by Poppyprint

The closure is a sew-in magnetic button set. Although the pattern calls for it, Velcro and I are not friends. I find it a royal pain to sew in and secure, plus I don't like the sound of it at all. No disrespect to the genius who invented it. Gore-Tex rain jacket cuffs, yes. Cute little purses, no.

It is in the mail and on it's $15.92 plane ticket across the country. If only I could squeeze myself into a medium sized padded mailer. Because I know even though she loves my hand-made presents, nothing compares to a visit avec la vrai tante Krista, and her birthday party sounds like it'll be a blast. She's taking her friends on a PINK double-decker bus tour of Charlottetown, PEI. The probability of PINK cupcakes after the bus ride is very high. Lucky girls.


Heather D. said...

I love that little clutch! The fabric is wonderful, and the blanket stitch adds a nice touch. I'm sure your niece will love it.

Amy Friend said...

Sew in magnetic snap? I never knew there were sew in versions. I will have to be on the lookout. I love the added stitching. Cute!

Jane S. said...

The blue blanket stitch really ties it all together! Your niece is a lucky girl.

Rachel said...

I LOVE it! Lucky niece (and lucky to be in PEI too!)

Isn't postage ridiculously expensive? My husband mailed a tiny parcel to our daughter yesterday - $11 to get it from Edmonton to Lethbridge.

Kimberly said...

Sweet! That's such a great pattern... smart idea to enlarge it!

Lesly said...

I laughed out loud at the idea of a CN Tower motif on fabric. Get crackin', Krista - I know Moda would snap that one right up!

paulette said...

Your niece is going to flip when she opens this present!! You out did yourself...which is hard to do!! Love the blanket stitch...just ties everything together beautiful and the FABRIC..LOVE IT!!!! Well done!

Suzanne said...

This is so adorable--what a lucky niece. I love the blanket stitch in place of the top stitching. Very good choice. I'm heading out to visit my nieces this weekend which I am very excited about, although my machine has been in the shop all week and I've not been able to sew anything for them. Boo.

Canadian Kristin said...

Auntie, my birthday is in February! ;-) I love Japan and I wish to go to see the Eiffel Tower and I've been to the CN Tower... just saying! This wristlet is adorable and enlarging to 115% was inspired! Love it!

Kristie said...

LOL! Love this post. I agree...where IS the CN tower fabric??? AND I am all too familiar with the punitive Canada Post costs to ship seemingly little things...grrrr! But I must say, j'adore the wristlet! It is perfect, and I love the lining and the blanket stitch. Perfection :)

Kristy said...

So sweet. Love it!

Tacha said...

A PINK bus and PINK cupcakes!!!! Oh my!!! I want to go too. Love the wristlet and the blanket stitch too.

Anonymous said...

how stinkin' adorable is that! I must go get that pattern!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Lucky niece, clever favourite Auntie Krista!

PinkGranny said...

Your niece will love it! I love it!

A pink Double Decker bus in Charlottetown P.E.I. oh what a great place to spend a birthday. One day I want to go to Prince Edward's Island...and the pink cupcakes make me feel like a little girl at heart too.

Keep us posted on how she likes her purse and the party.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Very cute indeed! I too want a tante Krista who makes fun stuff with lovely fabrics (I saw the word in your post and it might have another meaning other places in the world, but in Norwegian that means aunt).
How and where is that strap attached?

verykerryberry said...

V,V cute! Have you heard of Paris Syndrome, a genuine occurrence! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/6197921.stm

Sana Saroti said...

Hey Krista, why are you Tante Krista? In German and obviously in Norwegian it means aunt. Those Japanese fabric designers also seem to like old German kitchen themes. I always think "oh, how cute and it has German writing on it" but there are very often spelling mistakes ;)

carol said...

You outdid yourself again, Krista.....should we be surprised? NOT! Darling clutch and sure to be loved by your niece. Lucky girl!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Splendid! I love the shape and the strap is clever. I have a young lady in mind that would love this and Christmas is coming...hmmm.
Thank you for the link.


Dianne said...

The addition of the blue stitching is the perfect "Krista" touch to this adorable little purse. She is a lucky little girl to have such a talented and dedicated Aunt never mind a ride in a PINK bus!!!! Sweet.

amy smart said...

This is so precious! And the fabric absolutely makes it wonderful. (I have a tiny little scrap of that Eiffel Tower print left. I would love to find more.)

Beautifully done!

WandaFish said...

What a lovely gift for your lucky niece!

Chez Roo said...

So cute! Krista did you do the blanket stitch by hand or on the machine? It looks super regular...can you put perle 8 in the bobbin?

Laura said...

so so cute

Poppyprint said...

Turtlegurl - the blanket stitch was done by hand. I've never tried to wind perle 8 on a bobbin, but if you have a case that allows you to change your bobbin tension, then you can do heavy threadwork with your bobbin. I don't know of a machine that can stitch 'off the fabric", as with the blanket stitch over the edge of this flap, though.

randi--i have to say said...

this bag is so cute!

Unknown said...

I think it's time for you to design some CN tower fabric wouldn't you say? I think the sewing world is ready for it.

Such a neat little bag design!

Pink cupcakes? I'm so in!!!

Live a Colorful Life said...

That is so pickin' cute! Funny about the CN Tower. Really, what's up with fabric designers and choosing Paris stuff over other potential landmarks?? Pink cupcakes. Yum! (Actually, anything edible sounds "yum"--I'm on Weight Watchers...)

craftykaren said...

I just discovered your blog, via Lily's Quilts and her photo of your thread catcher gift. Is there a tutorial or pattern for that project? Your work is lovely!

Poppyprint said...

Hi Karen - I can't reply to your comment, but I'm sorry, no there isn't a pattern for the threadcatcher. Please email me at the address up under my photo.

Kristen said...

Incredible looking bag! You just sold this pattern to me. Faveur? I need a handbag pattern. Any favorites?