Friday, August 5, 2011

The Talented Mrs. Goldsworthy

You may know her as Lily's Quilts. Or quite possibly Lynne. Maybe you think she's my Giddy Aunt. Likely, she'd answer to Smart Ass.

One thing is for certain, you all know who she is. The one who does the redonculous circle things. And the skinny linny's (those thin white strips that outline all manner of shapes in the blocks she makes). Of late, she's been the Queen Of All Things Hexagonical (yes, I am fully aware of the world hexagonal, thank you very much, but if you've seen what she's doing to those poor old hexagons, you'd use Hexagonical, too).

I just think she's FABULOUS. Because look what she sent me:

Killer Triangles by Lynne

If I wasn't acutely aware of her insane productivity, I might accuse her of being lazy for not putting a label on it (I'll take that matter up privately with Mrs. G). I have no choice but to make up my own name, so I'm calling it Killer Triangles (killer meaning wicked cool). I could look at it for hours and still notice new strips of wonderful, special fabric.

Killer Triangles by Lynne

In keeping with her overachieving ways, of course it is totally reversible.

Killer Triangles (back) by Lynne
"the back!"

AND, as if that wasn't spectacular enough, Lynne also sent me one of her trademark Union Jacks (this is what I'd asked for in the first place for our little swappy - certainly I never expected TWO quilts). Jeez Nigel, now I'll have to make her something else. All I sent was a weenie passport pouch!

It's a Hochi Mappy Union Jack!

Lynne once excitedly tweeted that her Hochi Mappy Yum Yum had arrived and now I cannot possibly think of Monica's fabric as Happy Mochi ever again. Hochi Mappy has a mischievous ring to it that just makes me giggle (and I'm pretty sure that's okay with Monica).

Thank you so very much Mrs. Goldsworthy.


Amy Friend said...

Oh, what lovely gifts! You're on a swapping roll it seems. Just yesterday you showed another great package! Hochi Mappy....he, he, he.

Kati said...

I am so jealous. I love that triangle quilt. It is just too fabulous, but so is everything else Lynne makes. Lucky you!

Jamie said...

WOW! What else can I say??

Needled Mom said...

That is really amazing! I love the triangles. The Union Jack is awesome too.

dutchcomfort said...

Oh Lordy! What a great gifts! Lynne is a very special kind of quilter indeed, and apart from her skills, she has such a humour! I wonder why she always wonders her fabric choices, cause they are amazing! Lucky ducky!

Angela said...

everything Lynne makes is a real treasure! Lucky you!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

You have been very lucky with your swaps lately, Krista, the last two posts have included really great items. So, how is the swap-descaling plan working out for you?.-)

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

All Lynne and I have ever given each other is abuse! :) You have a far more beautiful relationship!

Unknown said...

You are one very lucky lady - Lynne does some super quilt projects

Lindsay Conner said...

Gorgeous! And reversible? Wowza...

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

yay for online friends or 'imaginary' friends as I believe Mrs Goldsworthy's son calls us ;-)

Katherine said...

I think receiving such awesomeness might lead to doing a Hochi Mappy dance! ;o)

Love, love, love these gorgeous quilts. You must be over the moon with such fabulous gifts.

carol said...

Goodness me, she is on a roll, isn't she?

Kara said...

Shut UP! I've never heard of those marvelous Mrs. G but she is most DEFINITELY on my blog roll now! :)

Dianne said...

Hahahaha.... thank you for my morning laugh Krista! You crack me up and so do your blog friends with their witty comments :0)
I have not followed Mrs. G's blog in the past, just dipped in and out, but I have seen the error of my ways and am off to sign up!!

Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

Well Pops thank you for a lovely lovely post - must email you a pic of me in the airport with me passport tote - it was fab and I felt quite the thing strolling around with passports and boarding passes to hand! Don't make and send anything else you silly billy. XXX

♥Duff said...

3 words: Lucky.Stinkin'.Dog.

Marglow said...

Its awesome! And thanks for pointing me to another wonderful blog.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Speechless...and more than slightly envious... :)

Tracey Jacobsen said...

so cute! And so perfect for you.

felicity said...

I'm with Cindy...feeling that green-eyed monster. But there is not a more deserving recipient for those beauties than you, Krista. :)