Monday, July 4, 2011

Soggy Poppies

News Flash: summer has finally arrived on Canada's we(s)t coast!! Hallelujah! So, this will hopefully be the last time you read any complaints about weather here (until the fall hits, that is).

I've been so looking forward to printing more poppy fabric this summer. Then two very important factors well beyond my control intervened. Those would be rain and letter carriers.

The rain and unseasonably cold temperatures convinced the blooms to stay snug in their shells.

Poppyprint's poppies 2011

In one rare afternoon of sunshine a few weeks ago, some brave flowers that could not be contained opened with a flourish, only to have their delicate petals pelted down by rain the following morning. Several of the giant buds actually just rotted atop their tall stems, having never even shared their gorgeous orange or red petals.

Poppyprint's poppies 2011

Poppyprint's poppies 2011

Poppyprint's poppies 2011

Interestingly enough, when I gently pull the rotted bloom off the stem, the seed pod is perfectly formed inside, and still has it's gorgeous stamp all prepared and ready for printing!

However, there's this little issue of our postal strike. You see, all of the solid fabric I ordered to use for printing is somewhere between Texas and my house. Possibly stuck in the main sorting centre downtown for all I know. We had three days of delivery before the holiday last Friday, so I'm hoping packages are moving and my fabric will arrive this week. I ordered plenty this time, so I'm hoping to be able to share some pieces with you - I might even open an Etsy shop, or maybe just post photos and sell them via Paypal. I can't decide. Maybe as I'm printing the right solution will come to me!

If you haven't yet entered my first week of birthday month giveaway, head over here. Entries open until this Thursday, July 7th. Please, please make sure your email is linked, or in your comment so I can contact you.

To all my U.S. friends, happy 4th of July! May you eat cake and watch beautiful fireworks.


dutchcomfort said...

I remember your poppy print posts. I guess it was about that time that I discovered your blog!!
I hope the post will deliver your solid fabrics soon!

Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

So that's why you're called Poppyprint - I always wondered

Amy Friend said...

I hope that your fabric arrives soon. Will the poppyheads last much longer?

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Beautiful pictures, they look almost alien-ish. Crossing my fingers that they will last until you get your fabric!

Ariane said...

I'm still waiting for fabric in the mail!! Hopefully it will arrive this week! I'm really hoping!!! Can't wait to see your printed fabric!!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

'Hurray' for the poppies, 'boo' for the postmen!

phigginb said...

I am anxious to see your printed fabric. I enjoy your blog very much. Happy day!

Cathy said...

My red poppies looked like yours but I have some late ones that managed to avoid the rain and look really pretty. They are a ruffly salmon pink. Quite the thing.

I actually cut back a lot of my red ones this past weekend because they were so sad looking.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Poppies are my absolute favorite! I had them at the home where we used to live and miss them!

Hosted Exchange Services said...


Selfsewn said...

Thankyou for your comment over at Lilys quilts.
I have poppies too and now its raining they may end up like yours :(


Krista said...

Such a bummer about the rain ruining your flowers! But I'm glad the pods survived for your printing. I planted 6 of them in one of my beds this year but they haven't flowered. Hoping they will survive over the winter and bloom next year!

Dianne said...

As usual your photographs are fab Krista,I am so glad you were able to rescue a poppy for printing.
I like the new font on your blog. It is a new font isn't it? I'm not having a major mentalpausal moment am I?

sandra said...

Poppies are my favorite flower, I went back and checked out your fabric from last year and how beautiful it was. I sure hope your fabric arrives soon for you. Sandra