Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Winding down....

Our school year is almost at a close. Only 3 full days left and then an hour next Tuesday to receive report cards (why do they do this to us???).

The kids' school has the best sports day every year. Last Friday, the students (and a good number of parents & siblings) came dressed in their house colours. Every member of the same family is in the same colour house. Our family is green. The kids go crazy with coloured hair spray, face paint, hats, wigs, name it! This year's theme was Hawaiian, so there were plenty of grass skirts and leis on hand as well. House teams spend the morning in friendly competition that starts off with the cheer (Green team rocked it!!), grade relays, parent relays, then group games and finally the grade-level tug of war. This year they had a parents tug of war. The red team seemed to have an unusually high number of beefy firefighter-dads: they won.

I have never witnessed such a display of flexibility from T before!

tate limbo

D is a circus acrobat - the limbo is made for her.

devan limbo

The mass hulahoop stamina contest is a popular one every year, too.

devan hula
I feel the need to point out that these shorty-shorts were on loan from a fellow green-team cheerleader...they have been returned!

Green team finished the day second overall, narrowly missing the big win that was taken by Yellow for the first time in recent memory! Yay Yellow Team! (we practice good sportsmanship).

This is my favourite shirt of the day, worn by one of our student teachers:

Sports Day 2010

Things will be a little quiet here on the blog over the next week or so. T's elementary grad is tomorrow night, then we are heading up the coast for some R&R with B's sister and on Tuesday, my sister and her family arrive for a week's visit!!! Some long time readers may remember that my sister lives Far, Far Away (not in the land of Heather Ross, but the land of Anne of Green Gables! Yes, she lives on PEI, clear on the other side of Canada!). We are anxiously awaiting their arrival. And cleaning the house. A lot.

It's a good thing my Pfaff is in for it's annual check-up. I needed a little sewing pause to re-charge my creative batteries and focus on some other things that I've let the vacuuming.

Back soon!


1 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Have fun with your family, Krista; you sure have deserved some down time (even if company isn't always that...)!!

2 Helen said...

Oh my! I must get my husband one of those t shirts! LOL We were green faction last year at our other school, now we are red, feels weird to be red!

3 Unknown said...

Wow, their school year was long! But it looks like they finished on a positive note. Hope you have a great time with your sister and the Pfaff comes soon. I know you will probably suffer from withdrawal.

4 Amy Friend said...

Enjoy your family time!! That t shirt is great :) I love the photos of your kids. Boy, to be that flexible again...amazing!

5 carol said...

Looks like a real fun day. Maybe not better than sewing, but probably more fun for the kids! LOL

6 ♥Duff said...

great pics! The schools up there sure have fun ☼ So, what's wrong with a girl wearing some Daisy Duke's? Oh, you are such a mean mom! LOL!

I'm sure your sister doesn't mind the dust in your house--you Live (Laugh, Love, Play) there. Besides, who could do anything other than stare at the horse painting anyway? I know the feeling, though. My mother will be here next week and is staying until the end of August. Hello cleaning, goodbye summer.♥

7 Tracey Jacobsen said...

fun day!

I can relate to that shirt!!! :)

8 Dianne said...

That looks like a VERY fun day!! Our sports days were much more serious..can I do a redo at their school? LOL Totally understand the shorts return but have to say D looked fab in the photo. Way to be flexible T! Have fun with your family Krista you deserve a rest!!!

9 Tiffany said...

What a fantastic fun filled family day! I really like the hulahoop photo, that's a sweet shot. Enjoy your family and the R & R.

10 Peggy said...

Enjoy the break - I'm sure you'll be itching to get back at the machine by the time all the visiting is over, I know I am after 2 weeks on the road! Sports day at your kids' school looks like so much fun!!!