Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Poppyprint on CBC!

Imagine my surprise when I received an email from an associate producer of North by Northwest, then early morning weekend show on CBC radio 1 in British Columbia. For those of you reading from outside Canada, CBC is our national broadcaster, both on radio and TV. There are province-specific shows to cover local flavour, weather and events on weekends. Host Cheryl MacKay is running a series on artist/creative types who are living a professional life very different from the one they initially planned. If you've been following me for any length of time, you've probably seen my tiny profile over there on the left that identifies me as a former geologist.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the short interview by podcast. You can click on the Sunday, December 10 episode here,  then click on the right arrow of the actual podcast until you get to about 1:45 into the show where my story begins.

The conversation with producer Samantha took place in my sewing room (which I hastily cleared out in advance of her visit so that there was actually enough room for both of us to stand in there together). Feedback from friends is consistent: everyone is very surprised that I sew in such a tiny space. It's true! 8' x 9' of inspiration with a beautiful south-facing view. For more fully annotated photos of my sewing room and storage, check out this blogpost I did for Sew Sisters several years ago (when the room was still very neat and tidy!).

This experience was great on several fronts. First, it was a sweet friend who suggested me for the series and secondly several old friends and colleagues have reached out and contacted me after catching the interview. It's fun to see who the CBC diehards are! I was very happy that they kept in the information I shared on upcoming quilting events in Vancouver and finally, I might even score a teaching gig as a result, which is wonderful.

Christmas gift production and prep for my girl returning for the holidays and her brother departing back to university after the holidays are in full swing. It's a busy time here! I hope you are enjoying the season with family and friends.


1 MariQuilts said...

That’s fantastic!!!

2 Elsa said...

How exciting to be interviewed! Love your little space ~ mine is pretty small too. It's a little alcove off the living room and quite cramped, but it works. I can't imagine anything bigger, it would be a constant mess.

3 Dianne said...

I got up early to make sure I was tuned in with a coffee in hand well in advance of the air time. It was a great interview Krista. So exciting to hear the voice of a dear friend talking about her passion on the radio!

4 Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

OMG, you had me at slope stability.

Fantastic interview! You're famous. :) I also enjoyed listening to the Canadian news and how nicely those two presenters bantered with one another. If I ever get kicked out of Australia (quite likely), I am coming to Canada. You are good people.

5 Karen said...

Krista, I just got around to listening to your interview. It was delightful to hear the voice of someone whose work I admire so much, and to hear your story of moving from geologist to quilter. Love your comment about wanting to go camping! It sounds like Vancouver is a happening quilt scene! Lucky city to have you a part of it :)