Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year Sponsor News and an epic giveaway!

Did Santa run out of room in his sleigh for your wished-for fabric? No need to pout; I can help.

The gals at Sew Sisters will get your order to you in Canada totally FREE of shipping charges this weekend. I often wait for free shipping deals to stock up on quilt backs, since 6 meters of fabric makes for a rather heavy package.  While you're at it, they've also got a promo offer of 30% off WonderUnder if a fusible web project is on your 2016 list. 

Just My Type - Type Keys Breeze  Just My Type - Type Keys Paprika
Oh Boy - Main Aqua  Oh Boy - Main White

Here are four great quilt back options I found in the clearance section! Just My Type and Oh Boy.


Over at Fabric Spark, Daryl's got some lovely new fabric in stock from Erin McMorris, along with some fabulous new bundles (FQ or 1/2 yards for some) hand-picked by her and some of your favourite bloggers. I may even have a little bundle up my sleeve for next month ; )

Noe by Erin McMorris
Noe by Erin McMorris

Custom Bundles
A gorgeous bundle based on some of Leanne's selections, available in the pre-cut section.


My blog partners have all jumped on board to support my upcoming epic giveaway on Instagram.  I've been offering giveaways here since I started blogging, but now I've reached a big milestone over there on IG. Any day now, I will reach 5000 followers - that's pretty crazy. I want to celebrate and say thanks to everyone that follows along and interacts with me there, so that's where the epic 5K giveaway will take place. If you don't have a smart phone, IG is also available on the web or ipad. I'd hate for you to miss out! I'm busy sewing up something pretty fab for one lucky winner and it's going to be packed with great stuff.

Stay tuned! Just as soon as the prizes arrive here, I will photograph and post the I've still got to dig up 3 more followers to make it to 5K, so I have some time.


1 Leanne said...

Nice fabric, all of it. I am looking forward to your epic giveaway!

2 Katie said...

Love that new Erin McMorris line. Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for the big giveaway!

3 Unknown said...

I love the pink and teal fabrics. Lovely selection.

4 Unknown said...

I love the pink and teal fabrics. Lovely selection.

5 K and D in the RV said...

One less! Celistaquilter is on board!

6 karen said...

Hey Krista for some strange reason I lost following you on instagram - so i restarted following you and am follower 5005 - congrats for exceeding your milestone and now back to check your photos

7 myBearpaw said...

Congrats on you IG milestone! Looking forward to the giveaway!!

8 SarahZ said...

Darn it Krista! I have had my heels figuratively dug in when it comes to IG...and now this!!! I may be slipping........

9 Nicole said...

The suspense is killing me! I'm either 5000 or 5001. I know it will be exciting either way. Congrats on the milestone, and on such a great year too.

10 Sandi said...

Congrats, you sre over 5K!

11 Dianne said...

I scored some nice backing fabric. Thanks for the heads up and congrats on your epic milestone!

12 Sherry said...

I am drawn to the lovely teal fabrics in that great bundle. I will visit instagram and become a new follower.

13 Jenny said...

looks like you blew the doors off 5000 Krista! congratulations!

14 mumbird3 said...
