I volunteered for first crack at jigsawing the blocks together. My idea was to put a bit of structure around some of the hearts with an improv log-cabin feeling...more like little borders really. I didn't want to go all crazy wonky since this will be passed on to other guild members and it's no fun getting an un-square, totally insane partly finished quilt top to work on!
My block contribution is the bias appliqued string of hearts. I've always wanted to try applying a folded (wrong sides together) bias strip by sewing along the cut edges, then folding the strip over the seam (concealing the raw edges) and appliqueing the folded edge down. No bias bars or bias tape making gizmo necessary. It took some planning to get the heart shape right, though. This is a great way to apply stems and vines by machine, too. I first saw this method used by my pal Double N Dianne on a sweet 1930's repro quilt she made.
I can't seem to find any photo tutorials for this in a google search. If anyone knows of one, please share a link in the comments and if not, I could take a few pictures to show anyone who is interested!
Sewing is taking place here, but it mostly involves circus costumes these days (not very exciting since all I make is the basic bodysuits). The big show is in a couple of weeks and we've got lots of work to do! I've also finished a very special quilt but I can't share it quite yet. Hopefully in a couple of weeks.
In the meantime, the sun is shining and Vancouver gardens have exploded into spring bloom. It's just gorgeous here now! I hope spring has sprung in your town, too.
Oh those blocks look so good, I love your bias-bound(?) hearts xxx
Tutorial or at least better pics please! I suppose you have to pay attention to placement with this one.
The shape of your hearts is excellent too.
This is looking great. And your bias hearts look fabulous.
It looks great and tutorial would be really nice.
Happy heart puzzling, Krista! Have fun with your circus costumes!
I have a mild allergy to both bias tape and applique but I'd take extra claritin to give that a shot - the look is too cool!
Nice job on the applique Krista! The MQG quilt looks awesome. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Your bias hearts are amazing. Love all the sweet hearts. Can't wait to see the finished project!
Your bias hearts are perfection! It's a technique I've read about but have never tried.
Love the colors of your quilt! I'd love to learn your technique for your string of hearts. Never saw it before.
That is a fun and happy piece.
Your bias hearts are gorgeous! Would love a tutorial! :)
It's looking great! Well done.
The bias hearts are really effective. Count me in for any instructions that you may have. Di x
Ooh, love the effect of that bias heart
Those hearts are incredible!
Thanks for getting this collaboratively-pieced top off to a great start, Krista! I'm very impressed with your hearts, they're absolutely meticulous and lovely.
WOW those bias hearts are great. What beautiful workmanship they show.
Is this what you did with the bias tape?
That's where I learned the technique - but there's still hand stitching the tape down.
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