Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Proverbial End

Way back last summer I started a very casual quiltalong here using Denyse Schmidt's Proverbial Quilt pattern. After making my Blackbird quilt, several people expressed interest in making their favourite quote or song into a quilt as well, so I gathered up a few sponsors and we got started!

This type of quilt isn't really a quickie, and I'm a pretty pathetic quiltalong host (I've discovered) as I can't even keep my own deadlines. However, I think it's time to officially close things prize-wise.  Any longer and this book is going to find a permanent place in my shelf and the fabric?  Well you all know what would happen with that!

Proverbial Quilt along prizes!

Denyse Schimdt Quilts was kind enough to share a hard copy of her latest book as well as a jelly roll of Chicopee. I did a random drawing from everyone in the flickr group who has shared a photo of their pattern, or their fabric, or any bits of progress on their quilts.  Stitchliterate is the lucky winner of the book and Amy (aviva_hadas) has won the jelly roll. Congratulations gals!!

A few participants have finished their amazing quilts so I thought I'd share them to inspire anyone who is considering a text quilt. I love how each of these are quilted, too! 

Quilting detail
This is Heather's sweet baby quilt 

Proverbial Sunshine
Cathy's Proverbial Sunshine - so perfect!

Proverbial Quilt
Dana's beautiful quilt made for a friend in need of encouragement and inspiration.

I Said Remember That
And this is one half of an anniversary gift for Julie's husband - check out her flickr stream for the other half!

Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their progress and supported one another with suggestions and photo tutorials. Thanks also to the sponsors that provided prizes for us!

Denyse Schmidtlogo    fishskinfabricbutton


1 Tracey Jacobsen said...

glad I'm not alone in being a bad quilt along host! ;)
great quilts here!

2 jodie said...

Love them !!!! especially the "you make me happy " one. it must have taken forever.

3 Lesly said...

What! I am amazed! This is what you meant on my IG photo! I had completely forgotten about it! But I am beyond gratified to win this amazing book - what a marvelous prize! Thanks, Krista and Denyse!

4 PinkGranny said...

I stopped by to say good morning and was treated to a quilt show! Thanks my friend, I hope your day is filled with sunshine!

5 Elsa said...

All the quilts are great ~ especially the Sunshine one ~ love that song! Glad to know that I'm not the only one not done ~ still have a long way to go.

6 Leanne said...

The quilts are all so wonderful! Congratulations to the winners. I see my quilt as a long term project, thank you for the QAL to get me started.

7 Donna~~ said...

I'm glad other people were better than me! I didn't get very far. As soon as I picked out the fabric, I found out that the baby was a boy instead of a girl, and quit right there! But I will make it someday! :)Thanks for hostng and planting the seed!

8 Cathy said...

Thanks for giving us the inspiration to get going! My Priverbial Sunshine quilt is used daily and loved!

9 Heather D. said...

Thanks for hosting Krista! It gave me the motivation to give something new a try.

10 Dianne said...

Lovely quilts! I especially like the sunshine quilt. Sadly I have progressed to copying the letters in the size I required for my little quilt and stalled.
It is on my To Do list though so one day .....

11 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Love Cathy's - I used to sing that to my bumps when I was pregnant!

12 Danielle said...

Love these quilts, I've picked my song but that's as far as it got. Still on the to-do list!

13 JuliePickles said...

Thank you for sharing mine and thank you so much for hosting this quilt along! I had a lot of fun!

14 Live a Colorful Life said...

These are beautiful quilts. And I fully intended to participate in this quilt-along. I STILL want to make one of these, but choosing my phrase was as far as I got. *sigh*