Thursday, January 31, 2013

Heart Day is on it's way

I know many people have mixed feeling about V-Day coming up on February 14th.  If you're a lover or fighter, you can still send someone a sweet embroidered note with a cute fabric stamp (hold the hearts if that isn't your thing!).  The tutorial is a few years old, but still fun. The link is on my left sidebar if you want to try making some.

fabric stamp tute_9_24

Me? I'm just in it for the chocolate.  


1 Krista said...

How have I never seen this on your blog? Genius! I bet Avery and Claire would love these.

2 Amy Friend said...

I think this is how we met, right? And I totally agree about the chocolate.

3 rubyslipperz1052 said...

O! I LOVE chocolate! What would life be without it???


4 Leanne said...

Those are very cute! Chocolate is good too.

5 What Comes Next? said...

I've liked this tutorial right from the start, but I have to say I like chocolate even better!

6 PinkGranny said...

I am in it for everything!
Love the stamps...I better get some fabric and get with it. Tomorrow is the 1st of February already. Can you believe it??

7 Canadian Abroad said...

Seriously, being in it for the chocolate seems like the most sensible thing.

8 Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

V day is not one of our traditions, but some people have picked it up. I don't celebrate it myself, but chocolate would be a good reason..

9 Elsa said...

Love this! I'm not so excited about Valentine's day for me but love to give others sweet things. Making my son and dil a pieced heart pillow ~ making it at PMQG sew day on Saturday!

Here in Portland we have a 'Worst Day of the Year' bike ride and run on Feb. 14. Guess that sums it up for some people.

10 Brenda said...

I received a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from my son the other day...THAT BETTER NOT BE IT! haha. These stamps are such a sweet idea.
I'm always in for chocolate, and we have an old fashioned real Chocolatier near me in Oshawa Ontario. Melt in your mouth stuff. Oh ...gotta go!

11 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh lovely xxx