Monday, July 16, 2012

True Patriot Love

A university buddy of mine lives 4000 km away, but he keeps me up to date on all things cultural (that can be shared with a link).  I thought my international readers might get a kick out of these Canadian musicians and their ingenuity. Homegrown readers and Canadian ex-pats likely won't be at all surprised. We are always looking for ways to maximize recycling of beer bottles and cans.  We're green like that (and we drink a lot of brewskies).

I love our National Anthem and dearly hope we get to hear it many times from the podiums of London. B and I will cry, of course.


CitricSugar said...

THAT is awesome. Pretty much sums it up, eh? Too bad the beer labeled "Canadian" isn't one I enjoy...

And I mist up just about every time I hear the anthem. Gets a little embarrassing at the hockey game. Ha!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I have to admit -- that was pretty sweet....

Heather D. said...

I cry when I hear (or have to sing) our national anthem too. A soft spot for our nation!

pinksuedeshoe said...

HA! That is about the best musical rendition of anything I've ever heard. Thanks for that :)

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Nope, can't say I recognise that tune!! ;)

West Side of Straight said...

That was so great. Took hours and hours to make all that! love it!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Truly incredible! Although I live in the UK now (11 years) I will still be rooting for home to win EVERYTHING they can!! How do I get this video on my blog!!???

M-R Charbonneau said...


Jo Ann said...

Loved it!

mary mahoo said...

Thank you! I'll be passing this on!

Brenda said...

Absolutely AWESOME! This is just too funny and being a true Canadian... I can honestly say - Any beer is a good beer as long as it isn't that light stuff! haha.

Dianne said...

That is AWESOME Krista!! Will have tissue in hand for the Olympics and am hoping to be able to use a LOT of them!! Good luck to our athletes and thanks to your friend for this very cool video.

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

This is truly ingenious and makes me wish I was Canadian. Especially when I saw how big some of those beer bottle were. What are they - 2 litres? Awesome! That would just get me through breakfast.

Tiffany said...


Sew Create It - Jane said...

Thanks for posting the's made me a little homesick but damn proud to be Canadian :)

Lysa said...

..and that's how they justified drinking all that beer isn't it?!

Susie said...

So FUN!! That is some amazing creativity! Wow. Thanks for sharing.

Alisa said...

LOVE it! I'll have to show my husband later - he'll love it too!

cat and vee xoxo said...

oh that's just totally awesome, I love it, particularly when the hair-dryer and the bottle caps get in on the action! Can't believe there isn't an Australian version for our anthem, which I hope will be played a LOT over these next couple of weeks ;-) Cat