Tomorrow he writes a provincial math exam and that will be the official end of Gr.9. Last week was locker and classroom clean out so we finally got to see some of his creative work when this came home.
Early in the new year we were asked to pick up a can of stain. For the 'stool' he was making in TechEd (aka wood shop). Details were sketchy...."it's just a stool, you know, one of those stepping stool things".
Uhm, this is some kinda stool!! I was completely floored by this project and am so impressed that 14 & 15 year old kids are making something so complex in their second semester of wood shop. Previous projects included two turned bowls, a soup-stirrer and a paper towel holder. This seems like rather a large step up (in more ways than one - the seat is 26" high).
But that's not all! T also had a really inspiring fine arts teacher that assigned really interesting projects so that kids who were not keen or confident in drawing and painting could still find success. There were very cool pictorial collages with photos the kids took themselves as well as magazine images. It seems like ceramics was the big winner for my son, though. He created 2 beautiful bowls for the Food Bank Empty Bowl fundraiser (we managed to 'buy' one back but the other one had been purchased by the time we got there) and this amazing vase.
I absolutely love the colours he chose for the glaze and all of the motifs he used to stamp the clay.
Although he says he didn't realize it at the time, I'm pretty excited about the "K" stamp all over it!
T's definitely got it goin' on in math and science like his mom and dad, but it's great to see that he's been inspired by excellent teachers and creative assignments to work hard at art.
I was thinking maybe next year I could get him working on a sewing cabinet, however he appears more interested in building a Tesla coil for his Gr. 10 personal project. Just what every parent wants in the back yard: homemade lightening. Yikes.
That's so nice he has access to all of those creative outlets and he's talented!
Proud Mama! He did a fabulous job. He obviously can work well with his hands. And that is such a great skill.
Wonderful work, I love the vase. And wow, homemade lightning would be very cool.
You have every right to be proud and to showcase his work. I still have the wooden bowl and the shelf that my youngest son made in wood shop. Sweet, sweet memories.
Wonderful projects and it is wonderful that he is so well rounded. Thanks for sharing about your fantastic son.
So much WOW for this. WOW! I love the vase, too! What great teachers he has!
Dang! I'm truly impressed. I would love to have a stool like that!
Kids got talent! Perhaps he also has his mothers's creative gene!
WOW! That is an amazing stool. Talent obviously runs in the family!
Aren't your OWN kids amazing some times?
That completely rocks! Great work - and great teachers.
Tesla coil sounds like a whole lot of fun. The namesake might have gone crazy but his science was always sound. :-)
Amazing Krista! They're doing this in grade 9??? Wow. I told Graham about the tesla coil because he wants to make one sooooo bad. He's very jealous of your son!
I love the stool and vase he made. I think it's great he's using both sides of his brain.
Great work! BC's got it together with their Tech programs. We're losing more & more in Ont. It's nice to see kids still having the opportunity to spark a life long love of creating.
i bet your heart swells with pride and you leak a little tear too! i know i will... ;) xoxo
what a great stool - would love to have a piece of fine furniture like that. and that vase is pretty awesome, too! You must be so very proud of both your kids!
Love that stool, the wood is so beautiful. Your son did a great job and the vase is amazing. Love those colours, the remind me of the beach and shells that were found in the sand.
It’s wonderful to hear they teach these crafts at school. It’s all gone from the school programmes here and that’s a shame because I’m convinced that learning to be creative makes children become more sensitive to creative thinking in general.
(sorry for my blattering...)
What an amazing talent! I am glad your children have been exposed to such great courses. We need more of that in our schools. Thanks for sharing, both projects are works of art.
What a super talented boy!!!
These are amazing - really amazing - creativity runs strong in your family
Holy moly that is all incredible! From a Gr 9er! I'm very impressed, he's got the touch.
Often you see kid-made stuff that's, um, interesting...but these pieces are pretty AND useful. (Make sure he takes Shop next year too).
These are the things to cherish! I still have and use a ceramic box (with cover) that my daughter made in 8th grade art class. It's proudly displayed on my couch table in my living room. (And she's 35 years old now.)
Ooooh, I love the vase. And the stool. And the vase!
Great stuff - you are right to be chuffed!
Oh wow, he is talented. The stool and vase are awesome!
Wow! What gorgeous projects he made! They're both very impressive!
What a pro- I see design runs in the family! Great styling on both items!
Loving that stool and what a stool. A furniture master in the making!
Ok well I'm going to come by and steal your kids. Just so you know :D the step stool and the vase. Such beautiful colours.
Okay, this is totally amazing! And the vase as well. T is definitely gifted artistically, which of course helps in so many other areas of school too. Pretty neat.
Wow. What a talented son you have!
Good luck getting him interested in making that sewing cabinet over the Tesla coil. Eeep.
You do have fabulously creative & thoughtful kids! They take after their Mama. Both projects are beautiful and will look great in your home.
Impressive creations T!!
Knowing how talented both you and B are it is evident that Tate did not fall far from the proverbial tree. I bet your buttons are near to bursting with pride!
Oooh, they're all fab, I'd be seriously impressed too! Dunno why you'r so anti the home-made lightning though, what a kiljoy ;o)
They stool and the vase are just amazing. Every kid should have classes and teachers like that!
Okay, that IS an amazing stool. He needs to start making more for his mom's 'old lady' friends , who definitely need stools like that! I also spotted the 'k' right away in the clay. Ode to mom. Lucky mom.
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