Friday, May 28, 2010 print!

I'm trying to keep it under control. You know, like, not TOTALLY. FREAK. OUT.

But I can't help it!!! You see, I've been published! This is rocking my world for several reasons. First off, Canada has never had it's very own quilting magazine....until Heather took over a regional newsletter and broadened the whole shebang to a new, glossy, national magazine. Joining forces with the very talented designer Laurraine, these two gals and their many contributors have created an amazing new resource for Canadian quilters.

Here's the cover of issue 4 that arrived in my mailbox today.

QC Mag summer 2010

The second reason I'm so thrilled to have an article in the mag is that it's all about an incredible quilt created by my friend and quilting teacher/designer extraordinaire Dianne Stevenson. Dianne has made a beautiful quilt to honor women's work and textile history in our country called "Canadiana in Cloth". Dianne then turned this experience into an 8-month quilting course that is, in my humble opinion, worthy of a university credit in textile history.

I'm published! Squeeee!

Thirdly, while I can't re-write the entire article here for you, I can giveaway my extra copy to one lucky Poppyprint reader (and you know I could never send a magazine all by itself - how lonely would that be? - so expect some extra goodies)! Normally I don't go in for those giveaways with lots of rules, but in this case, I would love to spread the word about Quilter's Connection. If we want a Canadian quilting magazine to succeed, we need to support it, people!

So, leave one comment below to enter this giveaway. If you have your own blog, post a link to this page on your blog (feel free to use the cover photo)....then come back and leave a second comment for another chance to win! I'll leave comments open until 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, June 4 at which time I'll employ the RNG to find the lucky winner.

No need to become a follower (honestly, I know there is only so much time in the day for blog-reading!), but take a look around and if you like what you see, then why not hang out and share the love? I'd be happy to have you follow along!

If you live in Canada, you can find Quilter's Connection on the mag rack at Indigo or better yet, subscribe here. If you subscribe, then you will receive the fall issue which just might have another Poppyprint surprise in it....eeeeeeeee!

Edited: comments are now closed...winner announcement coming soon! (June 4, 9:10 pm)


Vivian said...


Congratulations, it's a heady feeling isn't it?
and a cute photo to boot.

I really have to get a subscription to this magazine, our local magazine store doesn't carry it. Remind me again that I need to subscribe.

Krista said...

That's awesome! So you wrote the article? You are a woman of many talents.

sharon said...

Hi congratulations! So nice we have a Canadian quilting magazine --finally! Sharonj.

Patty said...

Congrats to the new Canadian quilt magazine.

Patty D.

Amy Friend said...

Wow, that is super exciting! Go you! I would love to read the whole thing!

Rachel said...

Congratulations, Krista!

I would love to have a look at this new magazine. It's about time we got a Canadian quilting publication. (And do I need to remind you again how cheap the postage would be to send to me, just over the mountains... haha)

Renée said...

I'm screaming too...that's so awesome! Congrats...

SoozeM said...

Congrats on being published!!! How exciting!

paulette said...

EEEEEEE...Summer AND Fall!!! What- before we know it you will have a section in the magazine called 'Ask Poppyprint':~!! So exciting! Oh...I WILL be blogging about this one!! I will also be buying both publications!! Congratulations...Sweet P (the P is for proud!!)

Unknown said...

That is just wonderful!! I would love to have a copy of the magazine so that I can read your article. How cool is that? Congrats!!

Skeena Quilts said...

OO! I would love to have the magazine and I will be subscribing! Congratulations on your article.

Unknown said...

i'm big enough to admit being TOTALLY JEALOUS! wow! that is cool, krista! you are amazing!

carol said...

OMG...I'm SOOOOO proud of you!!!! You must be on the moon! (And rightfully so!) Bravo! No one deserves it more!

Unknown said...

i've posted your happy news on my blog! so here i am entering your giveaway again!

Emma said...

Congratulations! I'd love to win; I always enjoy checking out new magazines, and I doubt this one will be easy to find here in Australia!

madziula said...

congratulations :)

Kristen said...

This is wonderful! I will have to check out the website.

Terry said...

Congratulations! It looks like a lovely magazine! :0)

Needled Mom said...

Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations. Your work is lovely and deserves to be in print!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Absolutely adore your cover quilt!! Congratulations!

Alice R. said...

How exciting! Congratulations! I am so happy for you - you so deserve it.

Lisa W. said...

Congratulations Krista! I posted on my blog. :0)

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Congratulations, Krista, that is so great!!!! I would of course love to read your article.-)

Kathy MacKie said...

I was lucky enough to hear Heather speak at our local quilt guild. We Canadians are very proud of one another's accomplishment especially if there is a quilter involved right! Congrats on your accomplishments!

Anonymous said...

What to go! Sure hope the magazine makes it to the USA...will look for it, but in the mean time sure would like to win it.

Marie in Oregon

Maggey and Jim said...

New to your site and Paulette from Sweet P and quilting, really special lady from your Canada. I would love to win that magazine, don't have it here in the midwest.. Will be checking back with you and put you on my sidebar..

Janet said...

I'm a Canadian and love to see a Canadian quilt magazine. Haven't seen it at my local bookstore. Is it only available at Indigo's? Would love a chance to win a copy.

Diane H said...

Yeah Canada! Congratulations Krista and thanks for a chance to win a copy of this great CANADIAN magazine.

Diane H said...

I've posted you on my sidebar. Thanks again.

Lori said...

Paulette sent me and I'm so glad she did! Congratualtions to Canada for publishing what looks like a fantastic magazine and to you for being in it!!

Kaaren said...

Congrats on being published! How exciting for you. I haven't heard about nor seen this magazine on our newsstands but I'll certainly keep my eye out starting now!

Holly said...

Congratulations! Isn't it great to have a magazine all about Canadian quilting?

Lesly said...

Wonderful! And congratulations! If I don't win yours, I'll be going down to my local Indigo and looking for this! Cheers from Kingston, ON!

Cindy said...

Oh, how exciting!! Congratulations!! :) I follow Sweet P's blog and she was spreading the great news!! I would love to check this magazine out! Thanks for the chance!

Peggy said...

Krista - congratulations - I'm already subscribed to Quilter's Connection and love it - so happy to see Canada's quilters honored and showcased. Just found your blog through another blogger and am excited to be another follower. Can't wait to get my copy and read your article!

Narelle said...

If you're posting overseas, I would love to have a copy of Quilter's Connection.
The front cover is so inviting!

Dianne said...

Congratulations Krista! I am sure this is just the first of many articles and patterns to come. I can't wait for my copy to arrive in the mail. What could be better than a cup of tea and time to read an article by one of my favourite people about one of my favourite teachers...YAY!!!

Julie S said...

How exciting! Congratulations! My MIL is a Canadian Quilter and I am always bringing her back issues of American quilting magazines. How fun to have one in Canada now! I am going to be watching to see if it hits stores down here...

Anonymous said...

Krista, I loved, Loved, LOVED your article on Dianne's "Canadiana in Cloth"! Of course I was so excited to be only the second person to read it, so everyone can be jealous of me! And the photos you took for the spread are fabulous! I finally had the opportunity to meet Dianne at Quilt Canada in Calgary last month, and I can see why you two are friends - she's as wonderful as you are!
Thanks so much for spreading the word about the magazine, and I'm looking forward to the Fall issue (wink, wink)...... until then, Happy Quilting! ~ Heather

Dresden Quilter said...

Congratulations on being published. I am so happy we have our own magazine.

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Krista,
I have yet to find this Canadian magazine but I will keep my eye out for it. Congratulations on being published in it.
I will try and post about it tomorrow.
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

prashant said...

Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!
Adsense Alternative

KatieQ said...

Congratulations to you for the article and all Canadian quilters for having their own quilting magazine. Hopefully, it will be distributed here in the US.

Shelina said...

Congratulations! How awesome.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Congratulations! :-)

Barb said...

Oh Congratulations! That is wonderful and a wonderful article. I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance! Much continued success!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

How cool! I'd love to would bring this Canadian girl a little something from home to the UK :o)

Kathy Schwartz said...

Congratulations on your article being published! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine!

Kathy Schwartz said...

Link now posted on my blog, thanks for the use of your photo.

Micki said...

That is so awesome! What an honour! I wish that I could get the magazine, but I am proud of you!

Jennifer said...

Wow, thanks for the giveaway! I enjoy your energy and enthusiasm so much. It inspires me to get back on the machine and make something really cool.

Michelle said...

Felicitations Krista!!! I am subscribing now! Can't wait to receive my copy. I will try to get your issue on my travels this summer, no Indigo in Kitimat! Michelle P.

WendyLou said...

Woohoo for you :)

Jamie said...

That is so cool! Congratulations! I hope I win so I can read the whole article!

Marge said...

Krista, Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the magazine so I can check out the whole article. Love quilting and love Dianne's work.

Micki said...

I also posted about you...I am so utterly proud of you!Here is the link:


Rafael's Mum said...

I started to read the article from your photo above and it really drew me in allready... such a shame I cannot read on! Congratulations on getting published!

Narelle said...

Back again for my second comment.
I just had to share your lovely news.

Becky said...

Congrats on the magazine article!!!! Thrilling! I'd love to read this issue. I'll look for it on the magazine racks, but not sure I can get it here in Atlanta. Would love to win a copy!

Have a great week!

Vicki ♥ said...

Congrats on the magazine article :) You are so clever and I have seen the launch of this magazine...well from a distance as I am in Australia. I would love a copy of the magazine as it looks fabulous.

Miri said...

Terrific news! Great to hear about the new Canadian Quilters magazine.

Mette said...

Congratulations, Krista. I'm proud of you! I wish, I could buy the magazine. Cool.

Gale, Ky quilter said...

Congratulations on being published! We have to keep the love of quilting going - spreading the news, teaching others. I have a 9-year-old grand daughter that is working on her first quilt with me - just a little wall hanging for her Mom's birthday and she is doing it by hand. It is touching this Grandma's heart to see those little fingers work. So proud of her.

PatchworkRose said...

Congratulatins on your new Canadian Magazine. I just adore your poppies :-) and your blog :-)

Lee D said...

congrats on the article. I hope my copy is in my mail box tomorrow!!

sy said...

congratulations on being published, the magazine looks nice *_* when i'm back in canada i'll pick up a copy.

rebecca said...

Congrats on the new mag!!

Tiffany said...

Oh my goodness, how exciting for you to be published. Congratulations on your article and best wishes for the continued success of Quilter's Connection magazine. I'd love to get my hands on your new mag, it looks beautiful. Do you know, will QC make it to the states?

Shirley said...

Congratulations! I'd like to enter if you are taking international entries.

Arita said...

Congratulations to both you and Dianne. I know her from FVQG and have had the opportunity of taking one of her classes. She is a great instructor.

Myra said...

Congrats for being published in our Quilter's Connection mag! Good for you! I enjoy getting mine in the mail... impatiently waiting for this one! My Manitoba friends' quilt is on the cover! 8-)
Happy stitchings!

pinsandneedles said...

Congratulations on being published! Hope it will be distributed in the US.

ayumills said...

Congratulations, Krista! This is totally amazing and well deserved!!!