Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stuff You Need to Know!

This is one of those public service announcement blog posts, just so that I know, that you know, what's going on this week on the internets!

First up, voting is almost over (ending tomorrow) in the annual Fall Blogger's Quilt Festival. You still have time to check out the stunning collection of quilts nominated for the Viewer's Choice Award as well as all of the other festival categories.  My Selvage Colourblock quilt was nominated for Viewer's Choice, which I must say was a huge thrill for me in itself. I don't want to get too sappy, but you can't deny the Sally Field reaction when you learn that your peers appreciate something you designed and made yourself.  I'm very thankful!

Coming soon is a fun event for Canadian Bloggers sponsored by the lovely ladies at Sew Sisters. This event is an opportunity for us to share our stories and introduce themselves to a wider audience. If you want to know who is making what in Canada, then check out the Blogathon!

Starting November 17 right here on the west coast, provincial hosts will introduce themselves and provide a list of links to other bloggers in their province. British Columbia's hosts are both incredibly talented members of the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild: Stacey is a designing genius with original ideas and energy to spare.  e Jessica is exploring the beautiful Japanese art of Indigo and Shibori dying and regularly shares her knowledge with fellow guild members.  There are prizes! Every day the hosting sites have sponsored gifts to giveaway to visitors, so be sure to stop in.

All Canadian bloggers are invited to submit their blog addresses to Sew Sisters for inclusion on the provincial lists. Share your address and invite the world to visit YOU! Email the shop at

Here are all of the provincial hosts for you:

Monday, November 17BCStaceyStacey in Stitches
Monday, November 17BCJessicaMomiji Studio
Tuesday, November 18MaritimesLindaScrapmaster
Tuesday, November 18MaritimesLindaStitch Lines
Wednesday, November 19ABKelseyEveryday Fray
Wednesday, November 19ABLeanneShe Can Quilt
Thursday, November 20SKHeatherPeace.Love.Quilt
Thursday, November 20MBLoriNight Owl Quilting
Friday, November 21QCJoséeThe Charming Needle
Friday, November 21TerritoriesJanetCaribou Crossing Chronicles
Saturday, November 22ONLorna Sew Fresh Quilts
Saturday, November 22ONSandyUpstairs Hobby Room


  1. This sounds like fun!! thanks for the heads up K!!

  2. Ohhh this sounds like fun. There should be a Bloggers of the Commonwealth and then we can all have fun together and talk about cricket and crumpets while sipping tea ;) :)

  3. Dropping in from the Blogathon Canada blog hop... So nice to meet you!

  4. Congratulations on your nomination! It is a gorgeous quilt!

  5. Hi Krista,
    Your trip to Capri looks fantastic- some of the rock formations are so amazing.
    I have not been blogging much these days- just not enough time to quilt, blog and work etc. but I thought I would stop by and check out some of my Canadian blogging friends as well as meet some new Canadian quilts.

  6. Your selvedge quilt looks great! I've been saving mine too but haven't used them for a project yet.


Drop me a line anytime!